Chapter 66.

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Rowyn's pov:

Red, orange, yellow.

It's everywhere, the house is in flames.


I feel the heat upon my skin and my brain screaming to try to save it, but I cant.

My eyes search for any signs of the others but I find none. They wouldn't leave me, not without some sort of directions. I frantically look around me at my surroundings trying to find any clue.

Something tick in my head and I run. I run past the house around to the back, I run to the stream, to the tree more so. I stop at it tracing the carved letters, Harry and I had made. I fall down to the bottom of the tree, my hands brushing the ground. Suddenly something picks up in the corner of my eyes, a rock, one the perfect size for skipping, except, this isn't an ordinary rock. This rock has something written on it in sharpie. I pick it up staring at the two worded, perfect hint I was looking for. 'Parking Garage' was written in Harry's handwriting.

I stuffed the rock into my pocket as to make sure no one else found it. I take the forest to an opening in the crossroads heading to town, making sure no one had followed me or saw me leave if they were still there. My question is, who would do this? My fathers group wants me to become the next leader, they wouldn't have burnt the house down, right? I mean it's too much of a risk to take. What if I had been in there? I could have been harmed and thats not what they want, they adore me, they see me as a leader.

I continue running until I meet the edge of the crossings once more. I look both ways and even behind me making a run for it. I run across the street, on the other side I find a sidewalk and decide to continue on this, jogging until I see the familiar large parking garage. I find the edge of the building running along side it until I spot the entrance and make a final run for it in order to get inside. The first thing I do is look around the first level making sure its clear, the second I see it is I dash to the elevator and hit floor 4, the first place harry took me.

The elevator comes to a stop and the door opens, I step out cautiously, taking in my surroundings. I walk to the edge and see a figure standing there. "Harry." I sigh out in relief.

"Rowyn." He wraps his arms around my neck. "You saw the house. Did anyone follow you?"

"I don't think so, I was careful."

"Where did you go, why didn't you tell anyone you were leaving?"

"You know if I did that I would have been followed by one of you guys."

"It's better safe than sorry, it always is." He looks at me with endearing eyes. "It doesnt matter now, we need to get to William, Carter contacted him and he has safe house that we are going to crash at for now. We can't take a chance of someone finding us so we are going to have to be even more careful."

"Do we know who would have done this?"

"Not yet, but we'll figure it out." He grabs my hand. "They others are waiting for us not far from here, we need to leave."

I follow him to the elevator getting in and going back down we exit and quickly make our way to the door, leaving the building all together. We jog for a couple minutes until were just past the ice cream shop. I look back to the building, smiling, but I'm knocked out of it by something, literally, I was knocked down. "I'm sorry," I say quickly getting up and brushing off my hands. Harry stops in front of me, walking back.

I tear my eyes away from harry to the person. "Rowyn?" They ask.

"Calum?" I gasp. "What are you doing back?"

Harrys loudly cuts in. "What are you doing here to begin with?" The next thing I know Harry is holding Calum up by the collar of his shirt.

"Harry! Put him down!"

"Rowyn, you dont understand. He isnt supposed to be here. He's supposed to be in the base with the others." He doesn't let go of him, instead his hands clench tighter, turning white tinted.

"He's part of....the mafia?" I whisper to him, holding his upper forearm. I can see Harrys teeth clench when Calum starts kicking his feet while gasping for air. "Harry! He cant breath." I smack his arm to try to get him to let go or at least loosen his grip.

Harry slowly begins putting Calum down, his feet barely touching the ground. "Why. Are. You. Here?" Harry asks again. I turn to around, suddenly feeling eyes on me. My own eyes widen, quickly turning around.

"Harry, we've got to go." I tell him. "Like now would be a good time."

He looks at me and I tilt my head to motion to the small crowd we've drawn from the nearby stores. He turns back to Calum before speaking. "I'm going to let you go and you're going to follow us back to the car." Harry leans in impossibly closer. "If you don't I wont hesitate to pull out my gun and shoot you. Do you understand?" Calum shakes his head repeatedly in a 'yes' motion. Harry sets him down completely, before taking his hand in mine as we walk down the sidewalk, Calum right beside us.

We finally reach the van, opening up the door harry lets me get in first and then grabs Calum's arm roughly. "Look who I've found boys." Harry smiles lifting Calum's arm up in the air, Calum winces at the pressure, his arm turning red from Harry's tight hold on him.

Louis turns around in the passengers seat. "Calum?!" He shouts. "What is he doing here?"

"That is the question I've been asking too. However, he won't tell us." Harry looks between Calum and louis, then to me. "He does know Rowyn somehow, and she knows him."

I look at him confused. "We met in the ice-cream shop earlier today, before all of this happened. He bought me ice-cream."

"Hmmm, he did." Harry squints at him, and I watch as he does so. "Thats certainly would you mind telling us why you're here?" His words are nice, but his tone isn't. I can tell he's going to snap soon and I wouldn't want to be around when he does.

"We should get going." I say trying to ease the tenseness of the room. "We don't need someone following us and finding our location.

I look at harry and he nods, pushing Calum into the car. "Sit." He grits out, stepping in the van and sitting in a seat himself. I sigh when that seat isn't beside me. Instead, I'm sat next to Zayn, with Carter on the other side. I bit my tongue not saying anything, that includes when Carter asks me where I went. She would probably find out anyways so its not like she would never hear about it, it's only for now.



Please comment and like, I love hearing feedback for all of my writings haha. I've been working so hard on this series and I've also been working to improve my writing skills, I hope it has been showing as much as I think it has been xx

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