Chapter 70.

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Rowyn's pov:

We enter the store, quietly going to the back where the medical isle is. I shiver, my body reacting to the cold rush of the air conditioner kicking on. I pick up white coloured bandage wrap, band-aids, Tylenol, gauze, and a pack of antiseptic wipes. I turn to Harry who is glancing around the isles. "Relax." I whisper to him.

Harry stares at the items in my arms. "Ibuprofen not Tylenol." He says plucking it out of my stack and setting the other bottle back inside.

"What's the difference?"

"Tylenol doesnt work anymore." He says beginning to walk into the food isle. "Pick some stuff out, it might be a while." He takes the items in my arms, allowing me to pick up more stuff. I grab crackers, chips, and some salad stuff, including lettuce, shredded carrots, tomatoes, ranch, and turkey bites.

Harry gives me a small look of disappointment. "Just because were on the run doesnt mean we cant eat mildly healthy." I tell him sternly. He only shakes his head.

I take the lead, walking to the register and setting the things in my hands on the counter, harry following after me. "Will that be all?" The tall slender cashier asks, his eyes lingering on the odd items, looking up at us, his eyes linger on us as well. I nod at him lightly.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, but when he doesnt answer I try to provide more conversation, scared he might think something else. "We just moved here, preparing first aid kits and all that." I laugh, hitting Harry's leg signaling him to say something.

He chuckles with me. "You never can be too careful, can you?" He asks, an edge to his voice. A chill crawls up my spin, just like it used to do.

The cashier continues to scan our items. "I guess not." He supplies, setting the last item into the bag. "Your total is $30.22" He says. Harry nods, sliding his card across the panel. When we are done the cashier hands us the bags, he managed to fit them into two. We open the door and I sniff in the air. The outside air smelled different to the smell into the store. The store smelled far to minty, it burned her nose.

Rowyn goes to look at Harry but she isnt met by him but instead her mother. "Mom?" She questions, voice tight. I thought she was dead. I freeze in place, she's not dead... I feel an ache in my heart, why is she here now.

Her mother gives her a sincere look. "Rowyn, you need to go, its not safe for you here. You need to go, now." She says biting her lip, searching Rowyn's eyes.

"No...." I says quietly. She looks around so fast that her head feels dizzy. She scrunches her eyebrows, feeling her lip wobble at the realization. "Where's Harry?" I ask.

"It doesnt matter." Her mother says, reaching for her arm.

"Mom where is Harry?" I speak bitterly, my hand sliding to my hip slowly. My finger catch's the side of my belt.

"Listen to me. Rowyn, you're not meant to be in this life. You mean nothing to him, he doesnt care for you."

"How would you know! You weren't here! You don't know what I know!" I yell with my whole body tensing up. My voice is scratchy, it hurts but I ignore the pain in my throat for the pain in my heart...the pain in my head.

"I know you want more but you're a distraction from his life. You aren't his happily ever after."

"What if all I want is a distraction? What if I just want someone I can escape with, what if he's the only one willing to do that with me? You don't know who I am anymore." My voice cracks at the end of my sentence. My eyes burn from the tears that I'm holding in. I let out a sob, yanking at my hair as I loose the battle to my emotional feelings.

"I love you, you know that. I cant let you ruin your life like I did." She tries to step closer but I step backwards, not letting her get to me.

"My life is already ruined. I cant escape this now, its too late to live my happily ever after. If you had just taken me and ran away we both could have escaped....we could have been happy together. I cant go with you." I tell her, there's anger and betrayal inside of me. Why hadn't she come before now?

"I dont want you to come with me, I want you to go on your own." She says earning a wild look from me. Thats even worse than before...she wants me to go on my own.

"I cant do that. I cant go without Harry..... mum, I dont want to leave him, he's the only real thing I know now. Carter lied to me, dads dead, you lied to me...."

"He isnt good for you. You aren't yourself anymore, you aren't safe anymore."

"I wasn't safe anyways! I haven't been safe since the day I went into training! I see things, I see things I dont want to see! I see things that feel like they aren't really my memories." I tell her honestly, leaning my head onto her shoulder. Her hand is rubbing my head, playing with my hair soothingly.

"You were always safe with us." She takes a section of my hair and begins to braid it. I've missed this feeling, the motherly love I only had for a short while.

"You left me with him...he pretended everything was fine when it wasn't. He lied to me about your death. You let me tell him I loved him every single night without me knowing what he did, what he had done, what he was doing." I let out another sob, my body reacting and shaking as I release the emotions I've held onto for so long.

"Harry isnt that far away from your father, you know." She dares to tell me.

"He's nothing like him!" I immediately lift my head from thee comforting hold she has on me.

"You're repeating my love story without even knowing it. I dont want yours to end the same way. You need to go, be safe, find somewhere to be happy."

"I am happy, and I am safe here. I have friends that will protect me, that have already protected me." I spit at her. She's different than from what I remember of her, but she still has the same loving tone behind the words she speaks. She always speaks softly, gentle and persuasive.

"Rowyn you're being brainwashed, it's all Stockholm syndrome. I can't help you if you don't let me."

"I don't want you to help, I want you to leave!" I whimper, pulling at my hair again, messing up the braid she had finished.

"You don't mean that...." she says persuasively once more. She goes in for another hug, I push her away.

"Get away from me!" I yell again. Turning around so I don't have to look at her anymore. I kick the ground repeatedly, falling down to hit I cry. "Go away! Go away! Go away!" I yell over and over.

When my voice runs out I sit up on the ground, wiping my tears. I count to ten before I turn around. She's gone.....

I turn around when I hear Harry begin to yell down the street.



Hmmm very interesting 🤔

Any thoughts so far? The next chapter is a continuation of this one so more information will be supplied. xx

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