Chapter 20.

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Rowyn's PoV:

"Rowyn! Snap out of it! We need to get going now!" Liam yells grabbing Harry along with Niall and zayn helping him. "Louis! Call Madelyn!" He continues yelling out commands.

I stand there frozen. My body feels numb. My heart feels like its pounding out of my chest.

My hand slides to my back pocket knowing the boys put the important contacts in there just in case.
After 4 long rings that feel like forever Madelyn answers.

"Hello?" Her French accent rings over the phone.

"Madelyn! It's Rowyn, Louis told me to call you.
H-Harry was shot he's unconscious."

"Tell him we're prepping for surgery in the usual room. Bring him in quickly! We have people waiting outside for his arrival." Her voice gets further away as she's grabbing things to prep for surgery. I hear clattering on the other line and the phone call ends.

"Hurry up Rowyn! What did she say?" Louis opens the door for me to get in. I sat in the middle seat zayn and Niall in the back with Liam in the passenger seat. Harry's testing on my lap "Keep pressure here!" Louis shoves a rag in my hand placing it in the right position. He slams the door shut and runs to the drivers seat hopping in the car.

Half way there Harry wakes up groaning in pain. He's sweating and looking pretty pale now.
"How much further?" I ask Louis in a hurry seeing Harry I'm so much pain is killing me.

"Not much about 4 more minutes. I'm going as fast as I can. Sorry Harry." He says speeding up a little more than he was.

We hit a bump and Harry groans out in pain trying to hunch his body over only making things worse.
"Don't do that." I frown pushing him back down.

His hand slowly comes to mine that's currently keeping pressure on the wound.

"I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He laughs a little which ends up in him coughing and he squeezes my hand harder.

I rub my thumb across the top of his hand. "Yeah, well I thought you'd be okay too."

"I am okay." He looks up at me.

"Harry you got shot your not okay." Another tear rolled down my cheek. I told myself I wasn't going to cry anymore.

"So you do care." He brings his other hand to wipe my tear.

"I never said I didn't besides you just got shot." He hums in response.

"We're here." Louis yells.

A team of people run to the car yanking the door open. Quickly grabbing Harry off of my lap and putting him on a stretcher. Running to the door me and the rest of the boys follow them inside.

"Hold the elevator!" One of the men yell

"Tell Madelyn he's on his way up!" Another one yells and I see the 3rd guy pull out a phone ringing Madelyn.

Louis grabs my arm pulling both him and I into the elevator with Harry. Before I couldn't see his face but I can now see that he has passed out from pain.

My minds still racing with the possible outcomes. Part of me thinks this shouldn't have happened while the other half of me thinks that he deserves it.

The elevator dings and Louis pushes Harry out of the elevator quickly seeing Madelyn at the end of the hallway.

"I'd have to take a look at him to see where the bullet hit." She rushes to take off the blood soaked rag. "It looks like it didn't directly hit any major artery's but it has definitely nicked one of them."

"What's going to happen to him?" My eyes are burning from holding back tears.

"It depends survival rate is 42%. I'll try my best." She wheels him into the room and shuts the door.

"He'll be fine. He's a fighter." Louis looks at me and opens his arms but doesn't look worried.

I walk over to him hugging him tightly resting my head on his shoulder. You know that feeling when something hurts you and you want to cry? That feeling that you get in your chest? That's all I feel right now. That pain, just sitting there unforgivingly.

We sat in the hallway area for 4 hours patiently waiting an update on Harry. Another hour later Madelyn came out of the room looking exhausted.

"He's I'm stable condition now. However he did code while he was on the table. Everything seems to be fine now." She's breathing heavily.

"Oh goodness" my chest hurts. I've only experienced anything like this once before and it was after I got the call about my mother.

Louis gently glided my hand into his pulling me to Harry's room. He let me walk in first before coming in himself.

"You stay here while I run to the loo." He states without leaving any room for me to talk. He swiftly closes the door behind him.

I steadily walk over to the chair that I assume Madelyn put there. Sitting down I pull up my shirt wiping my tears and I feel the burn as I do so.

I can't help but to slowly slide my hand up the edge of the bed to his shirt playing with the sleeve for a few before trailing it down to his hand and fiddling mine into his. I never realized how much smaller my hands were. I look down at his fingernails to see they are painted black. I never took him for that type of guy. I guess I was wrong.

A groan comes from him and I look up to see him staring at me. I immediately let go of his hand embarrassed.

"You've been crying." He says a matter of factly.

"Umm, yeah." My cheeks feel heated now. He looks down at my hand before grabbing it. He sits himself up his face scrunching in pain. "Easy" I tell him trying to help as best as I could.

"I'm fine." He says getting comfortable. After rearranging himself he still doesn't let go of my hand holding it softly. He looks up from my hand and to my face pulling me a little bit closer. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips before leaning in quickly kissing me.

I can't believe this is happening....I can't help but kiss back. You can call it Stockholm Syndrome or whatever else you want to but I feel like I actually wanted it.

"Hey, I'm back, the loo was ages away. Is Harry-" Louis stops mid sentence after seeing the position we were in.



I've been pretty busy with school but I've been trying to honor my promise about updating at least once a week! Anywayyysss hope you enjoyed this chapter! I've got a lil cliffhanger there for you guys haha find out next chapter

All the love,
Lexi xx

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