Chapter 44.

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Rowyn's pov:

"Gemma wait up!" I yell at her from across the hall.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to ask a few questions....What do you think will happen?" I ask. "With Ashton I mean." I backtrack my words, correcting myself.

"He will probably asked a few times if he doesn't answer or he tells them but not enough information he will most likely be tortured if he refuses."

"Gemma I don't know if I can go through with this." I admit to her with my hands shaking. I feel guilty.

"Rowyn, somebody poisoned you. You almost died. They wanted you to die. Do you not want to find out who that person was?"

"I do but Ashton.....Ashton was so kind. I don't believe he would do something like that to me."

"You met him once you don't know him or what he's capable of." She tells me seriously. I still can't help but let the guilt eat me away.

"And you know who he is and what he's capable of?"

"I know what people can be capable of, I've dealt with it first hand."

"Well- I...I know but Ashton...I don't think he deserves what might happen to him."

"Why not? And don't use he was soo kind, he was this, he was that." She mimics my voice but makes sure to make it extra pitchy.

"If I didn't think you and Harry were related before, I do now..." I mumble to myself thinking back to all the times Harry has done the same thing. "I don't know he just....the way he spoke and carried himself didn't particularly scream 'killer'."

"Have you ever read Macbeth?" She asks abruptly

"What- Shakespeare?"


"Once in school why?" My face shows utter confusion trying to decipher how Macbeth could relate to anything that's going on.

"Do you remember what Lady Macbeth said?"

"Don't get me wrong, but I think she said a lot of's a play."

"Well one line stands out from all of the others: 'Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it.'" Her eyes stare into mine making her look freakishly like Harry before she swiftly turns around heading into the direction she was originally going in.

I stand in the hallway for a moment perplexed. Is she trying to tell me that Ashton was portraying a flower but realistically is a snake?

"Wait...are you trying to tell me that Ashton was putting on an act?" I blink catching up to her, walking through the door to the kitchen.

"Most people do in this day and age, sucks a lot actually..." She sighs grabbing a mug from the cupboard and filling it with coffee.

"Like me?"

"I don't know, I mean you could be but I'd like to think you aren't. Plus you don't look or seem like you have the characteristics of being like them."

"Oh really?"


"Well, put your fucking hands up right now and keep your mouth shut before I put a bullet through your skull." I growl, pointing my fingers p like a gun.

Gemma's eyes go wide for a split second before giving me a brief smirk going along with the joke.

"H-how could you do this?"

"How couldn't I? Ha. It was pretty simple actually. It was just like you said, I was playing innocent but to be honest...I'm really the evil serpent, like my father." I smirk maliciously keeping my fingers aimed at her as her arms slowly raise.

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