Chapter 37.

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Rowyn's pov:

"I'm calling in Bella." Harry tells us as he is already taking out his phone.

"Bella, we need you to come pick us up. Deans not here." He swallows before continuing. "We don't know where he's at so we need you to come get us quickly." He hangs up right after.

"Bella is coming to get us? Like the Bella that we talked about earlier? That Bella?"

"Yes....." Harry says not meeting my eyes.

"Okay then." I say stopping in my steps. "I'll just walk with Louis then." I shrug

"No, you won't. You're walking with me."

"If Bella's coming then I'm not."

"Yes, you are and if you don't I'll just shoot him." Harry says very seriously holding his gun to Louis.

He steps closer and closer until he is right by my side. I don't move. "You won't shoot him just because I won't walk with you." I mumble

"Yes I would. You don't know me baby." He whispers in my ear lowly. By the fear flashing in Louis eyes I can tell he actually means it.

I look between both Harry and Louis. Harry's expression never changing. "I'll walk with you." I whisper softly grabbing his hand trying to pull him away from Louis. Harry's gun leaves the aim of Louis, Louis lets out a breath in result of it. The fear slowly melting away.

Harry and I walk a few feet ahead of the others.
"Why Bella?" I look up at him trying to question him but he doesn't meet my gaze. Only look ahead of us instead.

"Because she's the only driver we have right now. The others are in training. If I didn't have to call her and there was someone else I would have."

I hold out my pinky with shaky hands something I don't even believe in anymore. Something I hadn't done in years but maybe it could mean something new with him. "Promise me." I say in a serious tone.

"I promise." He lifts his hand connecting our pinky's together.

"Okay, then I trust you."

"Good, she's on her way now." He confides turning around to tell the others. "Bella is on her way now to get us."

They all have shocked expressions on their faces but I would too so I don't blame them. They make no move to say anything all staying silent. The only noise being our breathing and our footsteps.

We continue our way down the street. A van soon pulls up and we pile in together. Harry goes to sit in the front with Bella until I pull him back shaking my head. He rolls his eyes, Bella gives me a dirty look but Harry complies sitting with me and Zayn is forced to sit up there with her. He doesn't seem to happy about it giving me a bored face.

"You owe me now." He whispers and I snort covering my hand over my mouth immediately after doing so. I silently hope Harry didn't hear but I know he did.
We quickly arrive at the base seeing as we weren't too far to begin with. We could've walked but there was always a chance of someone seeing us if we did.

We exit the vehicle Harry slides a card to open the door it clicks multiple times, unlocking all of the locks before turning green and opening. The smell of smoke and heavy cologne hits my nose. It's one of the many downsides of being here there's many males and only a few females here. Which means more cologne smells. It always sticks to me, the smell, it follows me everywhere I go.

I shiver slightly. "You should've worn a jacket or something." Harry says. Walking over to me wrapping his arms around me providing warmth.

I stand still awkwardly. Not wanting to move but also wanting to get out of the situation. Footsteps come down the stairs. "Rowyn!" Gemma yells running towards me holding her arms out for a hug. She stops to look at me and Harry with a confused look. Probably just as a confused look as I'm wearing too.

Harry sighs loudly unwrapping his arms walking away stomping with his feet just enough so I can tell.
"What was that?" She questions raising her eyebrows at me.

"I don't even know."

"Oh please you can't tell me he just did that for no reason."

"I mean I shivered but that's all. He's been like this all day we've argued twice now. I couldn't tell you why he's acting all affectionate, he's never done that before." I'm just as confused as she is. He's never made a single move to do anything involving affection like that. It almost made me want to ever leave his arms. This is the Harry I want.

"What did you two argue about." She asks trying to figure out why he would do such a thing.

A quick pause in the conversation, me hesitating wether or not I want to tell her about what. "The first one was because of Bella. The second one because I tried to sit next to Louis on the helicopter ride to the dining hall venue. The second one was because of Bella."

"Wow, seems like Bella is a real problem. What did she do?"

"She follows him like a lost puppy and stares at him plainly even when I'm in the room sitting right next to him. We aren't together, we probably never will be but she's pushing it. I may just commit my first crime."

"What does Harry have to say about it?"

"He's completely against everything I say about her. He doesn't think she's trying to get with him. She's not staring at him constantly. He's either oblivious or doesn't care. I'm going with doesn't care and wants to get a rise out of me because he knows he can."

"I wouldn't put it past him." She confides.

"I wouldn't either." I sigh brushing my fingers through my hair getting the tangles out of it.

"I better go find him he stomped off. I need to go check on him especially after whatever just happened." I shiver again rubbing my hands up and down my arms trying to warm up.



Hiiii, back with another one. Bella is back unfortunately.....but there's a lot of drama that comes with her. Can't she see Harry has a woman geez it's complicated but it's there hahaha.

Also would anybody be opposed to me changing the name of the book? I haven't decided what but I kinda want to change it! xx

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