Chapter 31.

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Rowyn's pov:

I groan out laying in bed, the loud yelling suddenly becoming louder as it moves closer to me. "Rowyn!" I open my eyes slowly not wanting to leave the warmth of my covers. "Rowyn!" The voice yells again "Wake up! We have to start makeup and get ready for the dinner!" Before I know it Harry is ripping the covers off of my body, I squeal loudly not expecting him to pick my up off the bed.

"Harry!" I yell trying to get him to put me down by hitting his chest. "Let me down right now!" I grit my teeth together clenching my jaw.

He doesn't say a word continuing to carry me through the hall and down to a large room I've never seen before. There was a couch in the middle of it along with a small table. There is commotion but I couldn't see who it was.

"Look who's finally here." Louis says sassily.

Harry roughly sets me down on the ground almost making me loose my footing. "If you don't shut up I will rip your tongue out." I hiss back at him. "It's way to early to be here. You know I'm not a morning person."

"Yeah well you're the one who wanted to come, I didn't want you to in the first place but of course you had to insist on coming." Harry mumbles on pacing around the room repeatedly.

"Are we done here?"  A lady whom I've never seen before come walking out of a door inside the room apparently hearing everything. She walks up to me outstretching her hand. "My name is Elizabeth, I'm the one who is going to be doing your makeup transfer Marion to make sure you are unrecognizable tonight."

"Hello, I'm Rowyn but you probably already know that by now I assume." I smile tightly reaching out my hand to shake hers politely.

"Are we ready to get started?" Elizabeth asks Harry

"You're okay to start as long as she is." He responds nodding in my direction.

I give him a glare before changing my look making sure Elizabeth didn't see it. "Yep, I'm ready."

"Okay great! Boys the others are waiting for you in your separate rooms." She tells them before taking my wrist and leading me to my room.

"What are we doing?"

"Harry didn't tell you?"

"You're having a complete transformation we can't have your father or William recognize you while your there. That would give everyone else away as well."

"Oh, I didn't realize we'd be doing so much."

"Of course we have to silly." She giggles lightly grabbing a dark black wig and setting it on the table in front of me. The setting looked like a dream. The chairs were white, a large vanity sitting in front of me with lights littering the mirror creating perfect lighting for makeup.

"We're starting with your hair first then moving on to your makeup." She hums and I give her a nod okaying her to start.

She grabs a bottle of something before spraying it all over my hair using a comb to slick it back nice and  tight. She the puts my hair into a tight bun making sure there would be nothing seen beneath the wig. She begins to put my hair in a bun only a small bump in the back that would be covered by the wig left remaining.

Once she's finished she grabs the wig off the vanity. She slowly slides on the cap fitting it to the correct size before cutting off the extra pieces. She slides out between me and the mirror so I could see. I gasp upon seeing my reflection. Me with black hair was astonishing. I may have to change my hair color after this.

"This is just the beginning." She smirks widely, I can tell she has much more to do.

"Wow, this is already so good I can't even imagine after everything else is done." My mouth still hanging open she laughs.

"Now makeup time!" She applies a layer of foundation, turning around she grabs a bronzer making sure to outline my cheekbones and jawline more than usually marking them a bit higher to create the allusion my face is slimmer.

After finishing that she takes out a makeup pallets using the colors black, sliver, and gold she makes a Smokey eye. Pulling out a liquid eyeliner pen she draws a long wing.

"And done with your makeup."

Now my mouth is really wide open once I see my makeup along with my new hair. "This is everything I couldn't imagine. You're such a good makeup artist oh my gosh if I had the talent you do I would look so horrible everyday."

"Please, you're hardly ever look horrible you always look like a goddess I just turned you into someone completely different. You don't need makeup. I'll grab your dress." She walks across the room to the small closet pulling a dress out of it. The dress was like something you would see in the movies a rich wedding or something. Not what I would normally where but I guess that's just the mafia look.

The style was a bit different than something I would choose but it was stunning either way.

"I need you to put this on for me." She hands it over to me and I gently take it. I feel like I need to as gentle as possible with it.

Elizabeth leaves the room and I take off my clothing,  slipping into the dress. Once I get it one I hear Elizabeth calling through the door asking if I got everything. I respond with yes but I need help with the zipper so she comes back in to help me out.

"Let me get that for you." She zips me up. "I also have these for you." She hands me a pair of leather boots I take them from her and she walks to the vanity opening a drawer taking out a couple of shiny bracelets and a pair of dark green dangly earrings. "Take these too." She holds her hand out and I open mine, she sets them in my hand softly.

I sit on the chair bending over to put on the boots. After putting on the boots I slip on the bracelets and exchange my silver stud earrings for the ones Elizabeth gave me. I slowly stand up turning towards the mirror striking a pose. I was officially unrecognizable, even to myself.

I couldn't wait for the others to see.



There was a HUGE transformation in Rowyns look/ appearance for the time being of the party! I loved writing the makeup transformation bit! I just couldn't wait to write it hahaha it's kinda my thing I guess.

Also I have something planned for the next chapter as well so expect it most likely soon!

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