Chapter 17.

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Rowyn's PoV:

"Right can someone tell me what the fuck that was back there? Why did I get kidnapped again? What has Jason got to do with you? Who the fuck are you guys? How do you know my mother? And what has my dad got to do with any of this?" I ask questions one after another as soon as we walk through the door.

"What makes you think you can come back here and start shooting questions left, right and centre?" Harry crosses his arms, his voice raising slightly as we all stand in the hallway.

"The fact that I've been brought to whatever this place is, against my rights might I add and got kidnapped for the SECOND time!" I answer flailing my arms around.

"Fair enough." I hear Niall shrug and Harry gives him a dirty look, making him recoil ever so slightly. "You will get answers when we decide." Harry states calmly. "And when will that be then huh?" I raise my brow.

"Look I don't know where you're getting this.." he waves his hands in front of me, probably talking about my attitude, which I have a right to have don't you think?

"..from but, it can stop right now." He glares at me, his jaw clenching. "Well maybe if you gave me some answers, I wouldn't be like this." I retort.

"You've never even asked for answers." Harry huffs. "Actually yes I have, I asked Louis and Liam earlier this morning, I've asked how YOU knew my mother, I've probably asked YOU why I'm here and as you were saving me you said you'd tell me. So now I expect you to tell me." I mirror his stance crossing my arms.

"Right. This is the plan then. You get to ask THREE questions and only three, so pick wisely and I will answer them with no objection. But, I don't think you'll be able to handle it." He says 'three' more prominently and holds up three fingers.

"I'm strong. I think I can handle it." I give him a fake smile. "More like stupid." Harry mumbles earning a snicker from Zayn. "What? You wanna say that louder?" I squint my eyes at him. "More like stupid." He says more clearer this time an amused look washing over his face.

I'm glad someone finds this funny because I sure as hell don't.

"Say that fucking again I dare you!" I shout, getting angry. "Why what are you gonna do?" Harry smirks. "Wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of your posse now would we?" Attitude is spoken with each word. "The attitude. Get rid of it." Harry demands.

"Or what?" I purse my lips staring at him straight in the eyes. "You can say goodbye to the questions." He gives me a brief short fake smile and I roll my eyes biting my tongue.

"Now I'll give you a minute to think carefully on what you want to ask. Don't blame me if you can't handle the answers because I've already pre warned you." He tells me and I slightly nod. All of their eyes watching me as I think.

What questions do I want to ask? I only get three. It could be seen as enough but, the amount whizzing through my brain tells me it's not.

I could ask about my mother. How they know her? She always seemed nice and everybody that we knew adored her. Even our old neighbours, in our old house. Now we are more secluded -well I used to be- in our mansion. I don't see how she could be associated with these men stood in front of me.

But, I feel like that could be answered another time. It doesn't seem as important as the other questions I have at the moment.

I could ask him about Jason. How they knew each other. It could tell me what they have against each other for Jason to come and collect me. I say it like that but, it was more drag me.

He did say that he wanted me because Harry wanted me but, what makes him want whatever Harry wants? What did Harry do to him for that to happen?

However, I still feel I could ask better or could potentially be my second question.

As I think Harry's voice cuts into my trail of thoughts making them come to a halt. "You got them?" He asks not in the mood to be in this situation. I think for a second longer and sigh nodding.

"Okay, go on then." He leans against the wall, gesturing with his hand for me to ask the first question. "First. What are you guys?" I look at them all but, then lock gazes with Harry because I assumed he's going to be the one answering the questions.

"People." I hear Zayn mutter quietly but, I still heard it and I squint my eyes at him, the other boys snickering. "Ha. Very funny." I respond sarcastically then focus back onto Harry. "We are part of the Mafia." Harry shrugs like what he just said was nothing.


The Mafia???

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

"Th-the Mafia?" I stutter all of a sudden feeling scared. "That's what I said." Harry nods a teasing smirk crossing his face, knowing I would react like this.

Well fuck. How did this even happen. Why? 

Trust me to be caught up in this.

"Are you p-planing on killing me?" I wonder in fear. "Is that your second question?" Harry asks.

Shit. I forgot about that for a second.

"Wait." I respond quickly.

Should that be my second question?

No. There's better ones out there, come on Rowyn. Something tells me if they were going to kill me they would've done it by now.

"No." I shake my head. I blow out a breath shaking my arms at the side of me to try and get rid of my newfound anxiety around them.

"Okay then, what's your second question Rowyn, I don't have all day." He says impatiently tapping his foot on the ground continuously while waiting.

I think for a few more minutes before finally deciding on my second question. "What happened between you and Jason he mentioned something about it he said 'if styles wants you then that means I want you.' It didn't make much sense to me but it should to you." I question him looking intently at him waiting for his response.

"That's a long story." He hums quickly

"You better get talking then. I was promised 3 questions." I smirk at him knowing it would get him riled up a little.

"Fine." He huffs at me stepping forward a little.

Hello everyone x

I'm so sorry to say that I'm not exactly continuing on with this story. However, my friend Lex (the one who's writing this with me) is still carrying the story on x

I will be doing a few chapters here and there but I mainly want to focus on my other story, I hope you understand.

You can either go over to her account wonderlandoasis to read the book or you can carry on reading it here because I'll still be uploading the chapters she writes x

Anyways, thank you to those of you who are reading this and enjoying it so far and I hope you carrying on enjoying it.

Don't forget to vote and comment to let us know x

Love you all ♥️

Thank you,
Love Alexa x

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