Chapter 26.

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Rowyn's pov:

The two figures come more into the light they are bruised and beat up they have scratches everywhere. You can tell the fight going on downstairs is very rough.
"Zayn? Niall?" Me and Louis both say at the same time.

"What are you doing? Where Liam and Harry?" I ask them frantically something doesn't feel right here. Where's the others?

Zayn is the first to speak up. "Liam is downstairs checking if everyone is okay."

"What about Harry?" Louis beats me to ask the question. I stand there still waiting for the answer. My gut is telling me something is extremely off.

Niall interrupts Zayn before he can tell us. "Harry disappeared mid-fight I saw him walk out following some girl I don't know who but Harry's gone." My breath gets caught in my throat. I shouldn't care but I do.

"I told you something was wrong and you didn't listen!" I yell at Louis smacking him in the chest multiple times my head is buried in his neck sniffing harshly. Zayn walks over to us taking me from Louis arms. He walks me over to the wall by the door and pulls me into his own chest. Holding me tightly and comforting.

He slowly slides down the wall taking me with with him. We sit on the floor rocking back and forth slowly. He hums lightly his soothing voice slowing down my breathing.

"Remember to count." He says to me lowly. I remove my head from his chest to look into his eyes silently thanking him. I hesitantly lay my head back down.
Niall and Louis are awkwardly standing in the corner pretending not to see us. Honestly I'm thankful for it but they could have been a little less awkward and I laugh at them through my tears. They are idiot the lot of them are.

Hearing my laugh they look down at me and I become shy all over again. Zayn pats my back motioning for me to stand up.

We walk over to Louis and Niall again joining them.
"The girl she looked familiar for some reason. I don't know who she is but I feel like I've seen her before." Niall tells Louis trying to rethink what he saw.

"Was she young or older?" Louis asks Niall he seems confused for a minute or two.

"She was young I think maybe early 20's." Niall shrugs his shoulders still thinking hard on her appearance.

"I have no clue who this woman is mate from what your describing it's no person I've ever seen before." Louis says but I'm not sure if I believe it or not he seems like he might know something but he might not either. He just seems confused more like.

"What's the description?" Zayn asks Niall his body shifting towards him.

"Short brown hair somewhere around 5'4-ish. I don't even know if that's roughly accurate it was pretty dark and dusty in there, to much chaos to focus on that one person." He tells me and Zayn

"Okay, so that's all we have to work on then? Nobody else saw anything?" Zayn asks Niall he doesn't seem to know who it is either and I wouldn't have a clue.

"Liams asking around now if anyone else had seen anything maybe got a something around the same description as Niall did."

"That's good. Was there a lot of damage down?" Louis asks them. Neither of the both answer causing a beat is missed in the sentence.

"What do you count as a lot?" Niall questions him

"I don't know........." Louis shrugs his sentence trailing into nothing but silence once again.

"You'll have to see for yourself then." Zayn re-opens the door and all of us load-out. "We'll have to take the stairs the elevator isn't working right now."

"Why not?" I ask him we used them not too long ago so why aren't they working now?

"They blew up the circuit and power board, luckily we have backup ones for the secret rooms." Zayn responds nonchalantly.

"And Harry followed this mysterious woman out of the place while all this was happening." I question him confused this is all so odd....Harry left in the middle of a fight to follow a woman who nobody else knows? What does she have that was so important? Who even is she?

"Yep, he looked very shocked almost completely out of it." Niall tried to find the right words to use.

We soon reach the bottom of the stairs, opening the door we are smothered by dust and smoke.
"Woah" I breath out this place needs a lot of fixing up now. I can't believe it looks like this now there is so much damage done. The lines of desks are all smashed lying everywhere around the room. "I don't believe he left it like this without a really good reason."

"Me either but he left and we don't know where too."

"He'd tell us if he were in danger right?" I ask all of them hesitantly because he would come to someone if he needed help, right? I haven't known them all that long but I've got to spend a lot more time with them then most people have. I got a good feeling I could understand them more then most and this I'm pretty sure about this one.

"Probably, he's walked off a few times but nothing too big." Louis stops turning around to look behind towards me. I just nod at him in return.

"Liam!" Zayn calls out. Liam is bent over helping a younger looking girl stand up. She brushes her skirt off looking up at us, hesitation filled in her eyes before walking away quickly.

"Has anyone said anything about the lady Harry walked away with?"

"No, you're the only one who saw anything." Liam gruffs out. You can tell he's not happy at all with the situation.

"Great." Niall crosses his arms unhappily



Another update!! I'm on a roll today!!!! Two updates in one day you're lucky hahaha. It was a good writing day today! Very calming too!

You may be getting another update tomorrow too! So keep your eyes out for one!
Also there is still something BIG coming!😈

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