Chapter 43.

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Rowyn's pov:

He really doesn't trust me. Even more than I thought. At least I'm out of the same old white room though. I can't say I don't appreciate the different shades of grey my room is.

There's a jiggling of the lock that breaks through my thoughts. "Rowyn?" Harry yells out. "The door is still locked so I'm hoping that you're still in here." He says walking through the door slowly.

"Yep, I'm still in here."

"You shouldn't be out of the hospital yet."

"I know I shouldn't be but I couldn't stand being cooped up in there."

"It's not only to make sure your okay it's to make sure you're safe also."

"I am safe. Louis made sure of it by locking the doors."

"It doesn't matter. Locking the doors doesn't mean you're safe."

"Right, other people besides you have keys." I raise my eyebrows slightly upwards.

"Louis told you." He says taking a deep breath. "Even if others didn't have keys it still wouldn't be safe. Breaking down a door isn't that hard. At least at the hospital there is security protection."

"You know what I don't even want to talk about it anymore." I huff crossing my arms turning around so I don't have to look at him any longer.

"Good. I didn't come here to argue anyways. I came here to tell you we have some more information. I thought you'd want to know."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I ask pushing him out of the way heading down to the main level.

"Hold on Rowyn. Do you even know where you're going?"

I stop looking back at him. "I think I've spent enough time trapped down here to figure my way around." I tell him. I resume my journey pushing the big doors open.

Once we walk in everyone stops talking standing still in their spot. "So what the news?"

"Yeah, so we're not entirely sure you were the target it could have been either you or Harry. We won't know for sure until we catch whoever did it. We do have a suspect. We think it was Ashton, the guy you met at the party. We also think he was only introducing himself to confirm you were the target."

"If I was the target why would they need confirming? Shouldn't they already know?"

"That we don't know. It could have just been a bad plan. Sometimes we know a targets name but not what they look like. Most likely their job was the same." Louis says.

"That makes sense but is there any further details?" I ask all of them.

"Not yet—"

"Harry you should really talk to me!" A blonde headed woman with a higher pitched voice walks in.

"I thought I escorted you outside!" Harry yells frustrated.

"You did but I came back. I would really like to talk to you.....alone." She says walking closer slowly.

I clear my throat. "Who is this? Harry?" I say raising my voice to get his attention.

The woman starts making her way towards me instead. "My name is Kimberly. I'm surprised you haven't heard it before I'm around here a lot...for business." She holds out her hand smirking.

This woman has air of nerve to act like she owns the place. "We're not talking Kimberly leave before I have you on the shoot to kill list." Harry says grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the exit door.

I flinch only slightly when he says that. I wonder if my mother was on the list. If after she went down she had her name marked off in red pen saying it was complete. That she was dead.

"Why do you want her instead of me! What is so important about her! What does she have that I don't! I'm better than her! Take me back!" She yells reach for me she begins thrashing around like a maniac in Harry's hold. Her once perfectly laid hair is now messy from swinging her head around.

"Calm down Kimberly! You need to seriously leave before I have you on the list for sure!" After Harry says this she stills in his hold. She backs out of his arms Taking a deep breath smoothing out her skirt and shirt softly.

"I'll be leaving now." She says with a straight face. Spinning around she walks out the door and up the stairs.

Everyone in the room still stands shocked looking around at each other. "Ummm anybody want to tell me what just happened?" I ask a little shakily.

"You've just met one of the most psychotic women on earth congratulations that was Kimberly." Louis says liking between Harry and I.

"Okay then." I purse my lips together tightly.

"Don't you dare Louis." Harry says pointing a finger at his face.

"I won't." He says holding his arms up in the air surrendering.

"Don't what? What does he not want me to know?" I question looking at them back and forth quickly for any changes in their behavior.

"Nothing." Harry says with a stern voice.

"I'll just have to get it out of you later then." I shrug squinting at him. I'll have to talk to him later. He's going to tell me something one way or another. Or I could just ask one of the other boys later when Harry's not alone.

"Let's get back to the whole you almost died a few days ago thing. The boys and I are going to go get Ashton. Tell him you died and that it worked after that we will see how he reacts and what he does." Harry says easily enough.

"What am I supposed to do while you are doing whatever to Ashton?" I question him. If I'm pretending to be dead that means I can't be there. Where else would I be?

"You can stay with Gemma." Harry tells me.

"I'm down with that. We need some girl time so I can tell her embarrassing stories about your childhood." She smirks and it's the same one Harry has. I guess it runs in the family.

"If that happening then I'll send her with someone else."

"Fine. I'll save the more embarrassing ones for later." She tells him looking at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

I smile largely at her. This is going to be fun.



Sorry it took so long to update. I know exactly what I want to happen but I'm having a bit of trouble transferring my thoughts into the story. Figuring out how to word things I s a bit hard when your brain is scattered haha hope you like this one. Haha I've just seen this meme and every time I get writers block it flashes in my brain.

 Haha I've just seen this meme and every time I get writers block it flashes in my brain

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