Chapter 12.

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Rowyn's pov

I'm not sure exactly how I feel about any of the other boys besides Louis right now. Louis is pretty great I can deal with him. My thoughts are racing but I soon come to the realization that I feel another body in the bed with me. I jolt awake hoping that it was still just Louis. To my luck it is. Memories come flooding back we both were to lazy to move last night.

I sit up and look around still in a haze "Louis" I speak up groggily. "Hmmm" he hums still half asleep. "It's time to get out of my bed." I tell him pulling the covers off of him. "I don't wanna" he says reaching all around trying to find the covers. I roll my eyes at him. "Fine, I'm going downstairs though." I huff and start making my way to the door way looking back one last time to make sure he's not leaving.

I feel disgusting my hair is greasy and up in a messy bun. I'm wearing sweats I have wore for the past 2 days and a red crop top I found in the closet in my 'room' I didn't even question who's it was before putting it on. I'm just glad I got some type of new clothing on. The kitchen comes in view and I see Niall Liam and Zayn sitting there. I check the time on the oven and it says 1:00am. What???? Why am I up now!?

I grab a glass of water looking to the boys. They are shoving something in their mouths but I can't see exactly what it is. As I look at it closer I can see that they are pills. They all look like their having a good time with it so I reach for them on the table I pick up 4 shoving them into my mouth. "Rowyn!" Zayn shouts. "Harry is going to literally kill us" Liam chimes in. "Rowyn do you know what you just did? Oh god we're all dead!" Niall freaks out.

"Calm down Niall it was just a pill calm down." I laugh. I didn't really want to take it I just wanted to make Harry mad seeing as he wasn't down here it was the perfect opportunity. "That pill was a benzo other wise known as xanax, Rowyn you just took four of them! Do you know how strong that is? You've never taken it before we have no idea how your body will react to that!" Liam worries. "Who cares! At least if I die I'll be out of this place!" I shrug.

I sit down drinking my glass of water. The boys are no longer talking just watching me. My eyes are starting to feel heavy and my brain is fuzzy I hear the front door slam with a loud voice following.
"Boys I'm back!" I recognize the voice as Harry. My hearing is cutting in and out a so hear voices screaming I can't pick up much of what they are saying.

I suddenly feel my head drop onto the table and then I feel the chair slipping out from under me falling onto the floor I hit it hard before blacking out.
I'm not sure how long I was out for but I do know that when I woke up there was someone sitting gonna chair next to the bed I was in. I hear them sniffling trying to open my eyes the brightness of the lights making it even harder. Finally getting my eyes half way open I feel my head pounding I whimper out in pain.

The body in the chair looks up startled it was Louis. "Rowyn! Oh thank goodness. Your body fell to the floor and you passed out we thought you died for a few good minutes. Harry was proper mad at you but more at the other guys. They were so scared that their souls left there body's when you hit the ground. I'm so glad your okay." He rants on and on.
"My head hurts" I tell louis smirking at him.
"I bet" he laughs along with me."So just how mad was Harry?" I ask Louis wanting to know if I achieved my goal.

The door swings open and Liam zayn and Niall come rushing in with Harry behind them. All of their eyes seem pretty red I assume from crying. Harry walks over and hugs me. "Rowyn! What were you thinking! You don't just take pills without knowing what they are god you could have died. You know what we do they could have been anything!!" He shouts at me.

"I'm fine aren't I?" I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah your fine for now!" He fires back. "Can I just get something for my head it's killing me." I whine to them. "We'll you wouldn't need it if you hadn't taken the pills." He rolls his eyes. I'm really hating this sassy attitude he has going on.

"What's gotten into you today?" I ask my tone laced with annoyance. "My problem? You just swallowed 4 pills for no reason without knowing what they were!" His tone is now copying mine. I can clearly see that I did achieve my goal. "Thanks for the pills zayn." I tell him."No problem" he smiles back at me probably feeling sorry.

"You know maybe if you were a tad bit nicer like the other lads I would be able to at least stand you." I tell him with a slight smirk laying on my face. "And maybe if you weren't so stupid and annoying all the time I would be able to be nicer." He walks out slamming the door hard enough to rattle the house.

I don't really have much to do around here so I'm left alone almost all day with nothing to do except stare at the walls or wander around. It probably isn't the best idea but I'm considering going back to whatever tunnels were under here. I think I could find out more stuff about what they do here. I can't wait to figure out their secrets maybe I can use some against them to escape later.


It's lex I hope you liked the chapter I'm excited for you all to read it! I hope you like the drama there really is no resting is there? Haha. What do you think about Rowyn taking the pills? Do you think she's going to escape any time soon? We love to see comments whatever they are so tell us what you're thinking we want to hear it!

All the love,
Lex xx

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