Chapter 18.

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Rowyn's pov:

"It all started when he thought he was better than me when we were competing for the top spot of the mafia chain. I was 17 and he was only a year older.
It was the crowning day for the mafia king." He begins


Following the rules we went through a series of tests. I came in first and he was in second. We were then supposed to fight each other for the final test. I knew he had cheated to win the fight that was against me. He had slicked up the mat the night before the morning fight between the two of us. He ended up winning because of it.

"Come on styles. Can't fight huh?" He antagonizes.

I can feel myself slide on the slicked up mat beneath me.

"Styles is out!" The man on the sidelines calls out.
"Tucker wins!" He finishes his sentence.

That night when I went back to my room I looked through ever old rule book I could find. 'This isn't over yet' I can remember thinking to myself.

The next morning I rushed to the old leader, Dahlia, and showed her the rules specifically stating. "The winner of the final fight he or she can be challenged by any member of the same ranking as them."

I had told her that Jason had cheated in the fight by slicking up the mat. As I read the rule to the old ruler she gave me permission and the next fight was held that very morning.

I had won and Jason was overthrown. After that I had kicked him out for cheating.

*flashback ended*

"So you see we don't have the best relationship. Plus he was an idiot he deserved it." Harry says finishing off the story.

"He is an idiot" zayn agreed with Harry the others humming in agreement along with him.

"Third question" Harry says "and make it quick I'm getting tired." He fake yawns.

I already knew what my third question was going to be. "My father, tell me about you two." I ask remembering my father mentioning him.

"You're father?" He says asking confused.

"Yes, my father I know that you both have something against him. He has something against you too."

"Mmm, smarter than I thought." He runs his tongue over his teeth and I roll my eyes at him. I seem to be doing that a lot with him. "Okay, so that's your final question?"

"Yes. Now tell me." I state firmly

"This one might be a little hard for you to believe so sit back and relax."

"We sort of have a history it's dated back a while ago I did something he never forgave me for. He now after me, his whole gang is actually."

"My father is not In a gang!" I yell at him loudly.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not I'm stating the facts."

"No it's not! You're lying to me!" I'm still yelling. I know he's lying. He's just trying to get me on his side. I take a deep breath thinking for a moment. "What do you mean he will never forgive you? What did you do?" I question him.

"That's a whole different question. As I recall our agreement was only 3." Harry says and I know it's true but it doesn't mean I like it.

"Fine. Continue."

"Fine. Anyways, he never did and never will forgive me either but like I said their after me. That's why we kidnapped you. To get back at him for coming after us. He thinks your dead, by the way."

"WHAT?! HARRY!!" I yell at him all he does is laugh.

"Relax, I'm sure he knows it's not real he's probably coming after you right now." He continues laughing.

"Yeah, because that's so much better." I say my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"We're done here." He tries to finish the conversation but I don't let him.

"No, we're done when I say we're done."

"See that's where you're wrong. I said it's done therefore we are done." He finalizes once's more but I this time I let him go not wanting to fight anymore.

Harry swiftly left the room. From where zayn was sitting he stood up walking towards bringing his chair with him, he sat down in it next to me. "You know he isn't as bad as.l you think he is." Zayn tries to defend Harry.

"I know, you're right. He's worse than that." I huff walking out the door the same way Harry had excited walking to 'my room'. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad sized room. It's pretty much just like a guest room in any random house so I can't really complain given the fact that I was kidnapped by someone of the mafia.

Sitting down on the bed I thought to myself. I haven't really had enough time to look around my room other than take in the decorations that had been set up. Searching around my room I looked in all the drawers and all the little nooks that could hold anything.

After a few good minutes of searching and moving things around I came across a small leather notebook. Unwrapping it I opened it up. At first i didn't see anything out of the ordinary but flipping to the last page of the notebook their were a list of names with all underlined.


The list of names went on and on more of half of the pages were filled up, and at the very top of the page there was only one word



Hehe. How's everyone doing? Kind of a short chapter but I promise a longer one next time. Hope you liked it. 
Remember to comment and like!

All the love,
Lex xx

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