Chapter 2.

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Rowyn's PoV:

The next morning I wake up bright and early to head downstairs to see what the chefs have prepared for breakfast. "Hey, what's cookin?" I finally reach the bottom of the stairs. One of the chefs named Echo smiled up at me, she is a sweet old lady who has been working here for as long as I can remember. "Well, darling what do you think about pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns?" She looks back down at the stove where she was cooking the eggs. "It sounds lovely" I smile at her turning around to sit at the table.

Sitting down I watch as echo finishes preparing the meal. Once it's finished up I grab two plates. "Oh hunny your father won't be able to make it to breakfast today he has a meeting to attend to." I turn to face echo and she grabs one plate from my hand. "Oh...okay. Would you be interested in eating with me then?" I frown slightly but try to cover it up. Thankfully she didn't notice.

He isn't here to eat with me though I suspect it must be important if he had to skip breakfast for it. Usually he pushes all of the meetings back to a later time in order to spend some time with me before he leaves.

I decide that it wasn't worth worrying about and push it aside to talk to echo. "So how have you been?Dads not working you to hard is he?" I joke around giggling a little. "Of course not I'm perfectly fine you know I can handle myself even if I am a little bit old." She laughs along with me before continuing on "So have you got yourself a boyfriend yet?" She wonders.

"I wish all the boys are just assholes now." I say rolling my eyes giving her a blank stare as to prove my point. "They can't be that bad" echo finishes the food on her plate while I'm almost done with mine.
"Oh they can be trust me. If only I could have been born sooner with all the sweet innocent boys. I don't think I could ever love someone who's so full of themselves." I sigh finishing the last bit on my plate.

"You'll get someone one day love." She picks up my plate and hers to go clean them both. I watch as she heads out of the kitchen leaving me to sit by myself. My phone dings and I take it out to look at. It was from my dad

Dad: I'm sorry I couldn't make it to breakfast I'll make it up to you later

Me: It's okay, whatever it was was obviously important go ahead and finish.

Pushing my chair I leave for school getting in my Range Rover, I sigh. Oh how I hate school it sucks. Don't get me wrong I love seeing my friends but everyone else is just annoying. I arrive at school which is only a couple blocks away. I get out walking to my locker to grab a few books, first is chemistry which I have with Carter thankfully. God knows I'd die without her with me.

Walking to the door I spot Carter in our seat. As I'm walking over to her I hear her speak up. "Heyyy bitchhh" she drags out. "Carter" I shriek at her "we can't get another strike! We get detention next one!!"
"Oh lighten up!" She says "Fine, but no more!" I say sternly.

"Agreed" she nods at me. We both focus our attention to the front of the class as the teacher walks in. I zone out throughout most of the class but faintly hear the bell buzz and students shuffling out of their seats to pack up their books in a hurry to get out of class.

I begin to pack up as well. That's how most of the school day goes up until lunch time. Walking to our lockers me and Carter look at each other having the same idea. I turn to her "Let's ditch" I tell her. "Exactly what I was thinking" She puts her books up as I'm doing the same with mine. We walk towards the back doors silently praying that the alarm wasn't set yet.

Once we get there she puts her hand on the door. "One, two, three" Carter pushes the door open, thankfully the alarm hadn't sounded I guess it wasn't up yet after all. We run through the doors and down the street seemingly running to the spot both of us knew we would go.

There's a spot not to far from the school it's a street with a big rock heading over it we both sit down letting our legs swing off of it. I put my hands in my lap when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "What happens if your dad finds out we ditched again?" She asks as I look out over the stream and play with my fingers. "I'll deal with it then, besides I don't think he will care to much, he was busy with a meeting this morning he missed our morning breakfast." I sigh looking upset.

"I'm sorry wyn I now how much that meant to you." She put her hand in mine softly rubbing it. "It's fine I get it." I softly reply. "Sooo" I drag out "That party is tomorrow. I think I'm going to where that sleek tight fitted black dress, the one with the slits in the side of it that I bought last time we went shopping together and a pair of black heels. What do you think?"
She let's go of my hand. "Babe I think you look amazing in everything you wear." She winks at me playfully.

You may be wondering what exactly me and Carter's relationship is, well we're just very close friends I've known her since we were little and we like to mess with each other and flirt a lot if you don't know us it might come off as more but it's just our personalities!

"I think we should head home it's past time 4:00." I say to Carter as we both stand up walking back towards the school to get my car so I can drive Carter back to her house. Usually Carter walks, she has a car and a driver's license but, she just doesn't like to drive so it's up to me to take her places. 

We arrive at the schools and find my car we both get in and start heading to her house. I'm we turn up the radio and hear "Hoodie" by Hey Violet. One of our favorites to sing together. We both burst out singing the lyrics together.

"I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts" 

We both giggle and turn back to each other finishing the song up. I don't like to brag but I think we're pretty good singers.

I pull up to Carter's house and she gets out walking to her front door I roll down the window and shout at her "bye luv ya!!" driving off to get back home hopefully before my dad comes back home.

Once I see my house come into view I turn the radio all the way down roll up my windows and pull in the drive way, trying to be as quite as I can possibly be. 
I walk to the backyard to go through that door as it's the quietist. As I sneak through the back door cracking it open, I hurriedly shut it.

I pause in my spot where I'm at, all of the sudden hearing some shuffling in the kitchen. I know it's my dad when he coughs loudly. I try to walk quietly but, to my luck the floor squeaks which has never done before until now!! I watch as my dad walks out of the kitchen to where I am. I sigh loudly in defeat.
"School ends at 3 why are you late? It's already 5 and you really need to learn how to sneak into places quieter and quicker that was a very sad performance." He sighs now too.

"I know I should have told you me and Carmen went down to the stream after school and I'm sorry I tried to sneak back in afterwards." I look down at the floor a little embarrassed I got caught. He clears his throat. "You went to the stream after school?"
I think to myself for a minute. "Umm yeah that's what I said isn't it?" I try to sound confident but failing miserably.

"Oh, huh, that's weird because your school called me and said that you weren't there for 6th and 7th period. They were wondering if you went home sick and if you were okay." He sounded very strict I was actually kind of scared. "I'm sorry for lying I swear I won't do it again" I rush out running upstairs trying not to get into anymore trouble. From the corner of my eye I see him shaking his head.

I reach the top of the stairs and I go to change and hop in bed quickly before he finds something else to tell me off about. I grab pajamas sliding them on. Pulling back the covers I slip into comfort falling asleep in seconds ready for the next day.

Heyyyy, everyone!

This book is something me and a friend are working on/writing together. You should definitelyyy check out her account she's an amazing writer! Her account is: (the one you're reading this on.)

I apologize if the updates are sometimes late since we are both writing it butttttttt if you stay around I promise you'll love it!

All the love,
Lex xx

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