Chapter 69.

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Rowyn's pov:

I bend down to the ground reaching inside of my boot and pulling out the silver dagger I've become so used to carrying everywhere. I reach my arm back before shooting it forward, stretching my arm out straight I let it fly through the air in a swift motion.

I dont have time to blink before it hits Calum's hand, piercing through his skin causing it to falter his motions and forcing him to drop the gun. After a second I clench my teeth tight, reaching for the other boot I throw the next dagger, hitting right next to the first one, in his hand.

Reaching for my belt I take out one more knife throwing it smoothly, letting it run its course until it hits Calum's upper thigh. He falls to the ground, crying out in pain, wailing in a higher pitch tone than the first time.

I go to reach for the other one but Liam's hand stops me. He pulls me back quickly, securing my arms in a tight hold so I cant reach for another one. I wiggle in the tight hold he has on me. frustrated when I begin to struggle, I elbow him in the side. When he hunches down from the attack, I break loose allowing me to escape.

Although I see Harry standing to the side, I dont run to him like I thought I would, instead I grab the last knife from inside my belt. I run to Calum who's laying on the ground in the same place where he was standing before I knocked him down. "Listen to me!" Laying the knife on his cheek I speak lowly. "I trusted you! I dont know who you are or what you want but you will never get it for as long as I'm around! I dont want to do this, to kill you, but if I have to I will." I move the knife away from his cheek. I stare deeply into his eyes as I pull the first knife from his hand out.

His jaw flexes and he grunts in pain while he kicks his feet. "You're going to leave Harry alone, in fact, you're going to leave all of us alone because if you dont.....I will through another knife straight threw your chest, and next time, you wont make it." I pull the second knife from his hand. I turn my head to look at Harry who is watching me very carefully. When Calum doesnt answer I pull the last knife out of his leg. "Do you understand!" I yell in his face

Calum answers in multiple mumbles. "Yeah, yeah, yes." He repeats trying to get away from my hold but I dont let him go, he continues until I shake him out of it.

I grab his collar shaking him over and over again. "Listen to me!" I yell once more, my throat tight and strained. "You're going to get up and follow us to find the others, if you dont I will kill you instead!"

"I'll go, I'll go." He try's to stand up but he falls back down, whimpering at the pain in his leg. I have a strong feeling that he could end up being useful in the future, that is if he lives.

"Help him." I order Liam who is standing where I left him. I glare at him when he looks at Harry for confirmation instead of following my instructions immediately. Harry nods and Liam comes to me holding Calum up by his arm.

I let go of my hold on Calum. Running to Harry I pull him in tight, my arms wrapping behind his head while his arms wrap around the bottom of my back barely above my waist, holding me up. I kiss the side of his face repeatedly. "I'm okay." He says putting me back on the ground.

"If you weren't?" I ask, eyes flickering from his light pink lips to his green eyes.

"I would be."

"Why did you leave?" I question him again. I just want answers but he's so good at avoiding them.

"I saw Calum get out, I had to go too."

"Without me?" I can't help when my eyes shoot back down to his lips, watching them pout slightly.

"You had the others, you were protected." He tells me but I laugh in response, he always does, thinks he's protecting me when he leaves my side but it helps nothing. I think it make me panic more, it makes me worry about him instead of myself.

"We need to go." I tell him dismissing the conversation completely. I walk back to Liam laying my hand on his shoulder. "We're leaving now. Do you think you can help him walk?" I ask silently regretting putting the knife in his leg.

"I've got this." Liam tells me putting his arm underneath Calum's to hold him up properly.

Liam and I start walking together going back to where we should be meeting Carter and Zayn. Harry jogs catching up to us. "How long did you guys walk for?" He asks.

"About 30, why?" Liam answers back.

"I didn't know how long I had walked for." He says kicking the ground while we walk.

"Don't do that." I tell him when it starts getting annoying. He stops but squints his eyes my way to let me know he doesnt appreciate it. I shake my head 'no' and continue walking.

When we arrive at the spot we were supposed to meet at I notice one thing, Carter and Zayn weren't back yet. "They will be here soon." Liam reassures me, still holding up Calum.

I look down at Calum, placing my hand on his shoulder. He flinches back a little causing my hand to drop. "Come on, you weren't scared before." I roll my eyes at him and he tries to scoot back.

"You're crazier than they said." He mumbles.

I step forward. "What did you say?"

"Nothing." He says letting go of Liam to attempt to stand by himself.

I laugh under my breath, not enough to draw attention, only to myself. "I heard you, I'm giving you a chance to explain, I know you slipped." I look at the others and they give me a strange look. I must have been the only one who heard it. "He said 'You're crazier than 'they' said." I explain.

Harry's eyes scrunch together, he's thinking. "Who is 'they'?" He steps closer to Calum, Calum bits his lip so deep it will surely make a mark if it doesnt end up bleeding.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"but you do, you said they, you surely know who your talking about." I place my hand above the belt sitting on my waist, the one containing my knife. I know he notices when his eyes flicker down to it and he takes another small step backwards.

"I dont know who they are, I only got a video. It was low quality, they didn't want me to know who it was. They offered me a couple thousand dollars if I led you to a place and then left immediately after, those were the instructions but I dont know what place that is. They only gave me the coordinates. Thats all I know." He rushes the answer out.

Harry's eyes go wild, and Liam's eyes darken as well. "Where is the coordinates?" Harry asks.

"In my pocket." Calum answers breathily as harry comes closer. When Calum attempts to back up more, harry grabs his arm. Reaching for Calum's pocket Harry takes out the paper.

I take the chance to ask another question. "Was the car part of the deal?"

"No. No it wasn't, I dont think that was them, I still had 2 more hours."

"Are you sure, did something else happen, were you being followed, did they see me leave, anything?" I try to remember my every surrounding but nothing comes back to me.

"Not that I know of." He tells me after a minute of me waiting for him to answer as he tried to remember.

I turn my gaze to harry who stares at the paper, not moving in the slightest. "What is it?" My eyebrows scrunch down.

He doesnt answer, handing the paper to Liam. Liam looks up from the paper back up to harry. Nobody says anything, not even Calum until Harry answers the question. "I know this place.....and whoever it is, they know something."

"Where is it?" I ask again, confused on the situation.

"My old house, the one that burnt down." His hands find his side



Things are about to go down. Surprise surprise when are bad things not happening to them and when isn't someone after Rowyn? The answer is never haha xx

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