A fatel encounter

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The next morning you wake up and get out of bed, the boys weren't in your bed this time but next time you know they will. You got dressed and walk into the kitchen and were greeted by the boys "morning (Y/N)" (B/N2) says with his usual smile. You smile back and then sat at the table and began eating your meal that (B/N1) prepared for you.' my god this is tasty' you thought to yourself. Once you finished your meal you took your plate to the sink and washed your plate. As you were rinsing your plate there was a knock on the door.




Everyone turns to the door. There was a few short silence before a few more knocks were heard.




You slowly began to make your way to the door, you wondered who it was and why they are there. You slowly reached for the doorknob and then slowly opened it and peeked through to see who it's is and that's where you saw him...

...standing in front of you was the tall big eyebrow man that everyone knew about, the commander of the survey corps.

Commander Erwin Smith

Your eyes widen on who you are seeing. You quickly slam the door shut and locked it. The boys were concerned about your sudden reaction "who is it?" (B/N1) asked " i-I-I-its...." you stutter out "it's... it's the survey corps! They're here!!!" The boy's all gasped. Then the door banged "open up and surrender yourselves!" It was Erwins voice. "If you don't open the door, things might get pretty ugly" you all stood away from the door, scared and unsure of what to do, should they open it or not? After a little while, Erwin got impatient and said again "what will it be (Y/N)~?" You were shocked to hear that Erwin knows your name. You gather all your courage and said "No!"

There was a short silence. Then Erwin said through the door "fine, if that's what your gonna say, then fine, you asked for it". Then there was a short moment before a man came flying and broke through a window. It was the short raven-haired lance corporal himself, Captain Levi. He glares at you with his steal eyes, you took a step back before the door burst open reveal Commander Erwin, and the tall section commander Mike Zacharius. Then a brunette woman wearing glasses jumps through the other window, it was squad leader Hanji Zoe. They all surround you and the boys, you coward behind (B/N3), while he growls before yelling "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US YOU BASTARDS!?" Erwin then points to you and says, "hand over your little girlfriend here or things might get ugly". Then (B/N3) whispers something to you "(Y/N), take (B/N2) and get outta here through the back door, okay?" You nod and with a swift, you grab (B/N2)'s hand and ran out of the house through the back door and out into the streets. You heard your windows break again and saw Levi and Mike jumping out and quickly gave chase.

You and (B/N2) came across two alleys and you both decided to split up. You went down one and (B/N2) went down the other. As you ran down the alley the tall section commander jumps in front of you from out of nowhere. You tried to turn around and run in the opposite direction but Mike wraps his strong muscular arms around your throat and waist, pulling you to him. You struggled and squirm in his grip but it was pointless, he is far stronger than you, not to mention he is 6 and a half feet tall and is pure muscle.

"(Y/N) IM COMING!!!" It was (B/N2), he came running up to you but stopped a few meters away after he gasped and fell onto the ground. A huge slash was visible on his back that was giving to him by the short corporal Levi. "(B/N2)!!!" You cried out, but it only made Mike tighten his grip on you making you choke. Erwin and Hanji appear, Erwin looks at you and gives you a devilish smirk "you know, it's really cute when you squirm, But it won't help because you are Weak like the little brat you are" Levi said lustfully. His words disgust you, you glared at him. Levi made a Tch noise before grabbing (B/N2) by his hair and began bashing him. You began screaming and begged Levi to stop "NO! STOP! LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE!!!" You kept on screaming until Mike covers your mouth with his hand.

After Levi was satisfied he let go of (B/N2) and lets him fall on the ground. Levi turns to Erwin and asks, "what are we going to do with the boy? He's not worth our time" Erwin replies "we're taking him back to HQ as a prisoner and as for the girl, she will be our pet~"

"Wait what!?"

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now