The devil has won

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6 hours later

It now has been 24 hours since you've arrived here. Nothing has happened yet. All you have ever done is lay on your mattress and silently shedding tears.

You miss (B/N2) dearly. But now he is in a safe place, But that means you are now alone, in this cruel unfair world. Your stomach is aching from the lack of substances, and your mouth is dry from the lack of water.

Then you hear the door open, the light finally reaches your face in a blur. Has someone finally came to give you food or have they came for something else.

It was bright, you couldn't make out who the person was or what they are doing. Then they grabbed your arm and then you felt a pinch on your arm making you gasp in surprise.

You realized that you had been jabbed with a needle. The anomalous person releases the fluid from the needle into you before pulling it out.

You looked up to see who it was... was Hanji.

"Hiya (Y/N)!" She cheers," I'm here to collect you, Erwin requested that I'd come and get you" you weren't surprised, you know that your about to go through some kind of hellish punishment.

Hanji grabs your hand and pulls you up from your sitting position. She pulls you along by your hand and drags you out of the basement.

You follow behind Hanji, looking miserable as ever. All life has been drained from your body. You looked like a zombie, following a crazy lady like a lost puppy.

After a short walk, you finally arrived at Erwin's office. Hanji knocked at the door and a voice called out from the other side," Name and Business?" It was Erwin.

"It's squad leader Hanji! I brought you (Y/N)" Hanji calls out." Come in" Erwin calls out. Hanji opens the door and gushes you in before closing the door. Trapped you inside with Erwin.

You stand still in one spot, your eyes are drained of emotion, your head is down and your arms are limped by your side. You feel numb, hollow, shallow. You felt nothing.

Erwin gets up from his seat and walks over to you. He towers over you, he smirks as he looks down at your drained form. He knows he has won as you have fallen under his wrath.

He scopes you up in his arms and carry's you to his bedroom. He puts you on the bed and kneels in front of you." Now my sweet (Y/N), you're looking a little dirty, let's give you a bath shall we?" He says.

He carefully starts to undress you. He carefully takes off your shirt, bra, pants and underwear, leaving you naked in front of him. Erwin then picks you up and brings you to the bathroom and places you in the tub which was already filled with water, it seems Erwin has already prepared the tub for you.

Erwin then begins to wash your body. He wets your hair before putting soap in it and then rinsing it out. He scrubs your arms, legs, chest and back until you were clean enough.

He scoops you up and carry's you out of the bathroom and then puts you on his bed. He walks into his closet and then pulls out a towel and walks back over to you and wraps the towel around you.

He walks out of his office, after a bit, he returns with a uniform for you." Here, I'll leave you alone to change" He says and hands you the uniform and leaves the room.

It took you a bit to put it on, you hated the uniform, it's the same things that those monsters wear, it makes you sick that you have to wear this.

After you got dressed you walk out of Erwins room to find Erwin at his deck. He points to the couch in front of his deck, signalling you to sit down on it. You didn't dare disobey him, you just sat down on the couch and listened to what he had to say.

"So (Y/N)... thinking of running away again?" He asked in a cold stern voice. You didn't say anything, you kept your head down and didn't say a word. Erwin raised one of his massive eyebrows and asked again and this time in a more serious tone," Are you going to run away from me again!?" This time you respond in a quiet voice," sir"

"Speak up!" His voice suddenly got more demanding and aggressive making you flinch, you say again but a bit louder," No sir". Erwin seems a little more satisfied." good, you may leave" Erwin informs you. You stood up and started leaving, before you could leave you through the door, Erwin stopped you," oh and before you leave, come back here after dinner and I expect you to come here"

You weakly nod and quickly walk out of the office. What is he planning now? You might as well have to wait and find out. Right now you can just prepare yourself for what's coming.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now