Lost and Found

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Warning: sexual assault ahead

You waited in your little hiding spot for a while now, it's been 6 hours and your muscles and joints are starting to ache. It was getting dark so and it appears that Erwin has given up on you and left. you think it was now the time to make your way back to the underground. You get up from your hiding place and looked around. There is no site of Erwin or any one of his men around so it appears it's now safe. You then made your move, you began running in a random direction and hopefully, you'll find your way out of the forest and not back at the survey corps headquarters. You knew Erwin is probably mad that you've just broken one of his rules and ran away. Who knows what punishment you might face if you got caught, the fought of it sends shivers down your spine. You just hope that Erwin has given up by now but he'll probably start hunting you down again tomorrow.

You ran through bushes and used your gear a bit, it was getting dark now, you should probably head back now but you can't, Erwin's probably really mad by now and if you do go back you'll be punished so you decided not to go back unless you've been caught but they've got to catch you first. Then you tripped over something and fell over, it was a tree root. you groaned in pain but get back up. Your foot hurt slightly but you can still walk with it. You started walking again, it was now getting harder to see in the darkness, you slow down a bit to make sure you don't bump into anything hard. As you walked you thought of your friends, are they even okay? (B/N2) I locked up in the cells at headquarters but you don't know what happened to (B/N1) and (B/N3), are they even alive anymore? As you were lost in thought you then bump into something. You took a step back and wince a bit, it appears you've bumped into a tree, but it wasn't as hard as wood and it was warm and it had some type of fabric unless it was not a tree. You look up a bit and you realize you didn't bump into a tree, But into a person. It wasn't any person, it was Mike.

You quickly turned to run but Mike grabbed you by the collar and lifts you and brought you to his level. You squirmed and tried to throw punches to his face but your punches don't seem to affect him and he only glares at you. His lips curved upward, he seems to enjoy seeing you struggle and squirm. He chuckles which brought your attention to him, he brought you closer to him and he says with a low husky voice "looks like you've been breaking some rules missy, you know what that means?" "I'm sorry I broke the rules!! I won't do it again!!" You cried. He says nothing, he then slams you onto the ground, you land hard on your back, knocking the breath out of your lungs. you groan from the pain in your back but all your traces quickly came back to you. Mike was now on top of you, he has you caged on the ground with your head in between his hands. Terrified on what he might do to you, you put your arms over your head and began to whimper. You were like a defenceless mouse trapped in a cage, you are powerless to save yourself from the large man that has you pinned in the ground. "Aw don't be scared little one, I'll be gentle at first" Mike purred, his large hand moved from the side of your head and began moving up your shirt and began to rub your chest, he then pushed past your bra and squeezes your chest. you gasp quietly at what he was doing. He lean down a bit onto your neck, you can feel his breath on your neck before feeling something wet, it was his tongue. you put your hands on his forehead and tried and push him away but he didn't move an inch. His hand then tears your bra off and then he moved down and began licking your chest, you began to cry a bit. then Mike grabbed ahold of your pants, you began squirming and thrash your legs but he just grabs your legs and held them down and kept you still. "STOP IT PLEASE!!!" You cried out "I DON'T WANT THIS!!! SO PLEASE STOP!!!" Mike eventually stopped what he was doing. He then gets off you and picks you up by your arm and held onto you roughy and calls out into the darkness "ERWIN I FOUND HER!!!"

After a little bit, Erwin and Levi appear and boy does Erwin look pissed. He grabs your wrist and said in a serious voice "do you think it's acceptable to run away from me!?" You stayed quiet. He got impatient and screamed, "DO YOU THINK ITS ACCEPTABLE FOR YOU TO RUN AWAY!!!?!" You let out whimpered and turned your head away to avoid his gaze and began to cry. He then began to pull you along him by your wrist "just wait until we get back, you are in serious trouble now!" He said again. You are even more scared, he might do something even worse than what Mike did. You'll just have to wait and find out.

Levi and Mike watch as Erwin drags you away. Levi noticed that Mike was holding your bra, "Oi Mike, where did you get that bra?" He asks. Mike gave Levi and smirk but doesn't say anything. Levi clicked his tongue and made his way back to HQ followed by Mike.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now