Reasons untie

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The two cadets drag you down the halls, you struggle and squirm in their grip but couldn't get away.

You stop outside of Erwin's office. One of the cadets knocked on the large wooden doors and a moment later a voice called out from the other side," name and business?" "This is Cadet Shalotto and Cadet Kaleb and we have someone who has attacked and beat the living crap out of captain Levi" the cadet that seems to be Shalotto replies

"Come in," Erwin says. The two cadets open the door and then throw you inside and then close the door, locking you in with commander Erwin.

Erwin is writing the last of his paperwork, you stand in one spot, nervously starring at him. You know when he is finished he will either yell at you or worse.

Erwin puts his pen down and then looks up at you and stares at you dead in the eye. You began sweating, your heart is racing.

Erwin then rises from his set and began walking towards you. You back up until your back was pressed against the door. You tried to open the door but it wouldn't open.

Erwin is now in front of you, you look up in terror at the big man who is standing right in front of you. Your legs are trembling.

He then grabs you by the wrist and dragged you to his desk and throws you on top, you Yelp in surprise. His large hands held you down by your wrist, his legs pressed against yours, keeping you still.

Tears well up in your eyes as you hyperventilate, you mustered all of your strength but you are not strong enough against the tall fit commander.

Erwin puts on a smug face and lets you go. You squirm over the table and fell off and land on your side. You groan before looking back up and went back to your fits of terror as the big eyebrow man towers over you.

You coward into a ball and let out panicked whimpering noises. Erwin bends down to pick you up and that's when you lost it.

You began screaming and thrashing around like a wounded animal." NO!!!NO!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" You screamed, cried and thrashed your body around, you even kicked Erwin in the legs a couple of times.

After a while, you quickly lose all of your energy. you lay there, trying to catch your breath. You pull yourself up and lean against Erwin's deck and look up at the commander.

Erwin is leaning against the door at the other side of the room." Done with your fit?" He asks with a smug smirk. You sniff a couple of times and held back your tears. Then you ask," out of anyone in this world, why are you doing this to me? Why did you pull me into this?"

Erwin chuckles slightly in a low tone, "you want to know why you are in this, why I'm doing this too?" He says," how badly do you want to know?" "Please just tell me why" you respond in a desperate reply. Erwin let out a puff of air and then began pacing around the room.

"Well, miss (L/N)" Erwin begins," a while ago when I joined the scouts I wasn't into dating anyone because I wasn't sure if I'm going to live or not but then one day when my cadets and I were wandering through the underground I couldn't help but notice someone, they were with another and they were stealing stuff from the markets. Usually, I would just arrest them but I didn't. Do you know who that particular person is?"

You don't know who he was talking about." N-no sir" you say." you" he says. The one word he let out of his mouth.

"At first I wanted to go and apprehend you but I couldn't, I had a strange feeling inside me, at first I didn't know what it was but it felt weird. It felt like I had butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't take my eyes off you. Your face looked gorgeous and your body looked so beautiful. I soon realised that I was falling in love. I tried to stop these feelings at first because I know I wouldn't last long since I'm in the military but over time I couldn't stop them and I grew even more in love. Whenever I'm in the underground I would see you and your guy friends. And as time went on I soon realised something, it wasn't normal but I noticed that I was more jealous of your boyfriends and how they got to be close to you and touch you and make you smile, some being me I gathered my mates and we decided to take you in and get rid of those boys of yours... so in that case"

Erwin starts approaching you. You can see it in his eyes, he's hungry and he wants you. He pushes you down onto the floor and crawls on top of you," let me have you" he growls and his hands start moving all over your body." Let me touch you" he says, his hands slowly removing your clothes. Once all of your clothes are off he licks his lips and stares at your body which made your skin crawl. He leans down and starts biting your chest and his hands exploring your whole body." Let's me taste you, you taste so good (Y/N)" he touches and tastes your entire body.

You lay there all powerless and drained of anything as Erwin continues to play with your body. Then his hand finds itself on your crotch and it began playing with it. His fingers began slowly entering you. Your lower region is still sore and damaged from last times wild event so it began hurting. You whimper and started crying.

Then the door burst open, you both look to see who it was but before Erwin could reach (B/N2) swung his bat at his head and knocks him unconscious," take that you cunt" he spat as he looks down at Erwin. He reaches out and takes your hand and helps you up.

You hugged him tightly" (B/N2) YOUR OKAY!!!" You cried. (B/N2) hugs you back. You both then parted and then asked" (B/N2), h-how did you get out?". He chuckles and then explains how he broke out.

"When you hit the corporal in the head with the wrench he dropped the keys for the cells and after those two cadets dragged you away I took the keys and unlocked the cell and to make matters better, (B/N3)'s bat was still in the corner where he dropped it when he died so I took it and set off to go get you"

You smile, you are glad that (B/N2) has finally managed to break out." Come on, put your clothes back on and let's get the hell outta here" he added. You quickly grabbed your clothes and put them back on and you and (B/N2) set off to escape this place.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now