Lovers for life

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4 days later

You and Erwin are in bed, your ribs are heaps better and you can now lay on your side without having difficulty breathing. You are facing away from him, your wide awake but your eyes feel heavy and tired.

Then you felt Erwin sling an arm over you to spoon you. You tense up at his touch, you began to let out quiet whimpers.

Erwin quickly notices your distress, he knows you are still sensitive to his touch. He retreats his arm away and smirks." I see you still don't like me" he testifies.

You don't say anything, you just lay there, shaking and whimpering. Erwin let out a small chuckle and continues, "looks like you don't like to be touched in that way, but don't worry, you'll learn to love me sometime shortly"

He takes one last glance at you. You are still whimpering and shaking. He reached out and slightly touches you," don't touch me" you trembled, slightly flinching for him."I don't love you"

Erwin grins, he was thinking something dark." You still stubborn (Y/N), you think you can hate me forever but in the end, you will belong to me, and you will love me" you stop shaking. Erwin knows what is going on in your mind.

"I see I have won, but don't worry beloved, I won't do any harm. Once you've fully healed we will get married" You flinched at the last word of the sentence. He his forcing you to marry him!? This has to be a joke.

Then you felt Erwin wrap his arms around you from behind and buried his face in your neck. You can tell he is smirking. He knows you are at your most vulnerable and he wants you to be like this forever.

"Don't worry beloved, I'll take good care of you, I'll treat you even better than last time" He whispers in your ear." Now be a good girl and accept me as your new husband"

You hate him, you just want to stand up and walk out and refuse to call him your 'husband' but deep down, you feel like you have no other choice. Everyone you knew and loved is dead and you have nowhere else to go.

So in the end, you are forced to accept your fate and accept the new life you are now forced to live in.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now