Run little girl RUN

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The ground rumbled from the horses running at full speed. 20 or more men riding them and they all have one goal. To capture two certain lovers riding away on one horse.

Your heart is racing like crazy. Getting away now seems impossible but you won't give up just yet. There is a 30-meter gap between you and those monsters who claim themselves to be saviours of humanity.

You took one more peak behind you. They are slowly catching up, it seems that in less than 5 minutes, they will catch up for sure.

Then without warning your horse went sliding down a steep slope. You and (B/N2) fell off Soma and tumbled down the slope. Soma starts whaling and kicking out before running away, leaving you two.

Slightly wincing from the pain from the fall you sit up and mentally examine your body, luckily you only have scraped.
(B/N2) is alright, only suffering from minor scrapes.

You look up at the slope that you've just fallen from and looked up in horror at the sight your seeing now.

Erwin is standing on top of the slope along with all of his men, they all stare down at you both. Erwin has an evil smirk on his face. He stares you down like a hungry predator, ready to claim his victim.

(B/N2) grabs your hand, "COME ON (Y/N)!!! WE HAVE TO RUN!!!!" He yells and you both started running. You can hear chuckling from Erwin. He is now in a fit of laughter but not just any laugh, it was a horrible maniacal laugh.

"That's right! Run! Run little girl, run deep into the forest, we will give you and your boyfriend a head start so run as long as you like, we will hunt you down and your pathetic friend as well!!!" You hear him laugh.

You and (B/N2) have been running deep in the forest for what seems like forever. Your legs hurt but your adrenaline kept you moving.

You push leaves and branches out of the way and jumped over branches and logs. And stepping over small puddles of dirty water.

The more you run the darker your surroundings get. You are now in the deepest part of the forest. Anything could happen. Ether a titan will appear out of nowhere or a scout will appear and catch you.

There are so many scenarios going through your head, one will only end up as a reality. Then you heard wires zipping through the air behind you. Your adrenaline runs through your veins faster an ever before.

Then within a second you and
(B/N2) got separated, but you didn't realise and kept running. The zipping of wires getting closer.

Then the ground below you disappeared. You tumble down the slope, and into the swampy ground below. You groan, your body aches from the fall. Then you heard the wires in the distance and you instantly stood up and started running.

You run through what seems to be a swamp. The ground is wet and muddy. Every step you took, the harder it was to move. The mud reached up to your knees and it is getting harder and harder to move.

Then, your legs stopped moving. They were stuck, you are stuck. This is bad, especially when you are being chased, you need to get outta here.

You grabbed your leg and pulled, trying to pull it out, But it wouldn't budge. You began to struggle even more but the more you struggled the more it pulls you in.

It's now reached your hips, your legs had been swallowed in the mud. You grabbed onto a nearby root and tried to all yourself out but it did no good.

The mud is now just under your armpits. You didn't dare scream for help because the scouts will most likely hear you and catch you. This is it, you're going to be swallowed whole by mud.

No giving up just yet, you grab ahold of some grass and began to try and pull yourself out. You were sinking ever more quickly, it was now almost up to your neck.

Then the grass broke off from the ground. This is the end, your life will end here, Drowning in mud. As the mud slowly pulls you down you let out tears. It's now up to your chin, you closed your eyes and await your fate.

Then you felt a hand...

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now