The next day

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The sunbeams through the window and onto your face. You open your eyes slowly. You tried to sit up but your lower region hurts every time you moved. You looked around and saw that Erwin was nowhere in sight but there was a pile of folded clothes and it had a note on it. You moved over to it, wincing from the pain of your lower region. You picked up the note and it said:

Dear (Y/N)

I left a pile of clothes for you. Once you've gotten dressed, come to the mess hall for breakfast and don't try to run away like last time.

Signed by:
Commander Erwin Smith

You shiver at the thought of yesterday. When you tried to run but ended up here and the commander forced himself on you. You saw the shower room and decided to take a shower. You tried to stand up but your legs immediately gave up on you and you collapse onto the ground, you start to cry from the pain from your lower region. It took a little bit but you managed to get up and limped to the bathroom. You turn on the water and hopped in. you made sure to scrub every inch of your body to get rid of the smell of both Erwin and Mike.

After you had your shower you dressed in your uniform and limped to the mess hall and this time you decided not to run away. You sat down next to Hanji and another girl with quite a lot of scars on her face. You made sure to avoid eye contact with the commander, he was a couple of seats away from you. It appears last night was forgotten, even Erwin acts as he has forgotten about last night. You began to eat your meal when all of a sudden "hey new girl! How was your night with Erwin?!" It was Hanji. You looked at her then started to speak "it was...." you stopped when you felt eyes on you, Erwin was glaring at you. You took your time to think of what to say, then you spoke "it was great, heheheh" you lied and put on a fake smile, Hanji then smirks and says, "I know you and Erwin did it, come on spit it out". Erwin was still glaring at you. You took a deep breath and said it "no, we didn't do it" Hanji frowns and turns away and back to your meal.

After you finished your meal you left the mess hall. you couldn't get rid of the memories from last night. Then you remembered that (B/N2) was here, he was somewhere in the dungeons. There isn't any rule on not being allowed to talk to (B/N2), so you decided to go down there and see if he was okay.

You got to the stairs that lead to the dungeons, you carefully began to go down them, your lower region still hurting a bit. You held onto the railing to keep your balance. You made it down and there you saw a few cells, you called out quietly for (B/N2) and walked around a bit. it didn't take you long to find him. He was sitting by the corner of his cell, he has his left leg up to his chest and his right arm resting on his leg. He was covered in cuts and bruises and his left arm and right leg seem to be broken. You quietly called out to him, he looked at you and his face lit up with joy. "(Y/N)!" He calls out. He dragged himself over to the bars, you sat down and winced as your lower region throbs a bit. You were happy to see him again, he was thrilled to see you. He winced a bit, most likely from his injuries. "Are you okay (B/N2)?" You asked. "I-I'm fine (Y/N), it just hurts a little" he replies, you can tell he's in pain. "(B/N2) your hurt! What did they do to you?" He put on a weak smile and then spoke: "they gave me a bit of a flogging, but I could not notice but heard you wince a bit while you were sitting down, are you alright?" You thought for a moment, should you tell him? You didn't want to worry about him. Finally, you made up your mind and told him what happened.

(B/N2) was horrified by what you told him. You started to cry, but at least your friend knows what's going on. (B/N2) wanted to hug you so badly but due to his injuries, he couldn't.

"What's going on here?"

You both turned to look at him...

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now