The survey corps

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"Wait what?!" You whimper "You heard us, little girl, you are going to be our little pet~," Mike said in a deep husky tone of voice. This made you furious and you yell" I WILL NEVER BE YOUR PET, YOU BASTARD!!!" "Don't you talk to us like that you little bitch, you will obey us on every occasion!!" Erwin yells back. Mike's arm returns to your throat and he tightens his grip even more making you cry and cough. "Mike, Hanji, take the boy back to HQ and throw him in the cell and watch over him so he won't try anything funny, Levi will take our little pet to the special room and watch over her while I do something" Erwin commands. Mike lets go of you, letting you fall to the ground coughing and breathless. Levi walks up and grabs you and throws you other his shoulder and then takes off in his 3DMG and leaves with you.

After a little bit, you and Levi made it to the entrance of the underground and the next thing you know, you are at the surface, the sun was shining bright and the sky was blue and clears, a few clouds here and there but it was pretty. Levi throws you onto his horse and he climbs on and rides away with you.

After a while you and Levi arrive at a castle, it seems to be the survey corps Headquarters. Levi gets off his horse and grabs you again and carries you over his shoulder. You passed by some survey corps soldiers and they all looked and stare at you. You feel scared, I mean you are scared the whole time, you've been kidnapped by the survey corps for crying out loud. Levi finally stops at a door and opens it and walks in. In the room were a bed, some drawers and a little bedside table with a candle on it. Levi puts you onto the bed "give me a moment, don't try and do something or I'll make you regret it" he says. You being weaker than him, you just sat there not knowing what to do. He then pulls out a collar and leash. He puts the collar around your neck and connects the leash your the bed and collar, keep you in place" this is to keep you from running away" he said. You lay there on the bed with a collar and a leash attaching you to the bed. Levi sits on the bed and stares at you, his eyes run up and down your body. You look back, unsure of what to do"why are you doing this? What did I do to deserve this?" you ask in a shaky voice "You don't need to know that princess" he answers and gets closer to you. He now has you caged between him and the bed, his hands are on both sides of your head and his legs are straddling your hips. You look up at him and fear what he might do to you. He leans down onto your neck and then his tongue darts out and began to lick your neck. You tense up and gasp quietly. he smirks and continues."W-what are you doing?" you whimper but he doesn't listen. He moves to a certain spot and bites down harshly and began to suck on that area. Without a second thought, you hit him. He got off you and glares you down "you'll regret that you little bitch" he growls and then proceeded to rip your shirt off but commander Erwin walks in. He saw what was happening and glares at Levi. Levi clicked his tongue and gets of you and walks out of the room. Erwin turns to you and then walks over to you and takes off the collar and leash and picks you up bride style and walks out of the room while cradling you in his arms.

He then stops by a pair of big wooden doors and opens them and walks in with you still in his arms. He placed you on a chair and sat in the chair by his deck and stared at you. You awkwardly stare back. you are feeling uncomfortable, you want to be with your friends But now you are here, in the commander's room. Erwin stares deep into your eyes, you kept your head down and began to play with your hands while trying to avoid eye contact. You hear Erwin get up from his chair and stands in front of you. He then roughly grabs you and throws you on his desk making you Yelp in surprise. He held you down by your wrist and then says "listen here pet, I'm going to give you these few rules so you better listen up. 1# you will call me anything but rude names. 2# you will obey me. 3# you belong to us now" "us?" You questioned "he means by us" you turn your head to see Mike and Levi standing by the door, Mike had a smirk on his face while Levi had his usual stern expression. Erwin brings your attention back to him. "4# if you disobey, you will be punished. 5# if you try to escape..." his face got closer to yours, you turn your head away and began whimpering. Erwin brought his mouth to your ear and whispers "...we'll always find you"

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now