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"Will she be okay?"

"She's lost 2 thirds of blood and her stomach has massive trauma from where the blade was but she will make it"

"Please take good care of her, her life is in your hands"

"We're doing the best we can, sir"

"Thank you"

Your senses came flooding into you, you weakly open your eyes and were met with intense brightness. You blink a couple of times to get your eyes to get used to the brightness. You were in the infirmary, the room was so white and clean. Even tho you've just woke up, you still felt weak and tired. Then you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, you winced at the sudden pain. You then lift your hospital gown and saw a huge scar on your stomach that has been stitched up. You shiver at the memories of your suicide attempt which has failed. You began to cry, you feel disgusted with yourself for failing to end your own life and escape this hell.

The door opens, you look to see who it was, it was a military nurse. She sees that you have woken up. She seems relieved" you're finally awake I see," she says, "your lucky that commander Erwin found you just in time or else you could have died" great, that psycho won't let you die." any way you have a visitor" the nurse then left the room.

Then someone entered the room, you expected it to be Erwin or anyone in the survey corps but it wasn't, it was Commander Nile Dork. You were confused about why he was here.

Nile then sat down on the chair next to your bed, he had a serious expression on his face." Cadet (L/N), are you alright?" He says. You were confused, you tried to think of a way to respond to Niles question. The only thing you came up with is," Uh... yeah?" He frowns and then says," do you remember what happened? About who attacked you?" You went silent.

Nile sighs and stands up, he then walks towards the door," I'll come back when your ready to tell me" he said. "Wait" you called out before Nile could even make it out to the door. He turns and looks at you," is there something you want to say?" He asks.

Then you let it all out and said." I wasn't attacked I tried to kill myself to escape this nightmare and that psycho of a commander! He kidnapped me and then forced himself on me and I escaped but he captured me again and this time he killed my friends and the whole anti-personal control squad and then he raped me again and this time he got me pregnant but I got rid of it and then not long after Captain forced himself on me and that's when I lost it and I tried to take my own life but I failed!"

Nile stands there, he is unsure of what to say or do. You stare at him dead in the eyes, hoping that he will believe you. Then Nile leaves the room without a word.

You sat there on your bed for what seems like an eternity. You play with your hands, you don't want to be bothered, nor did you ever want to be bothered ever again. No one does but you just want to be alone for the rest of your life.

Then someone entered the room. You look to see who dares to disturb you. It was captain Levi.

You weren't surprised to see him, you hated him just as much as his other supervisors. You stare at them, more like glare. You dislike , you dishonour him and see him as disgusting horrible psychotic bastard, the same goes with his 'friends'.

Levi notice your glare, You continue to glare at him, he glares back at you.

Levi then approach's you and then grabs your collar and then slaps you hard across your face, causing you to turn away from him. You look back at him and glared deep into his eyes, he got angrier and then yells," how dare you to try and take yourself out of this! That was selfish of you, thinking you can go into the next life and leave us! You are pathetic" you stare into his eyes with pure hatred and said in a tone that is full of hate," I hate you all!".

Levi then throws you over his shoulder and walking out of the infirmary with you. The other two were waiting outside, they began following you and Levi.

"So that's how your gonna be like (Y/N)? Well then just wait until we get back, your in serious trouble!" Levi said. You don't care at this point, you hate him, you hate Erwin, you hate Mike, you hate them all. You made it to a carriage, Levi throws you in it and climbs in. Mike and Erwin sat in the front and drove.

Now you await your fate when you return to HQ, you know what's coming but you're ready for it. This is going to be one hell of a ride.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now