The Past will still be with you

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You and (B/N2) made it home safely. You open the door and walk in. (B/N1) and (B/N3) was chilling in the living room "We're back" you called out. They both turned to face you and smiled "welcome back guys" (B/N1) greets. You walk over to the kitchen and place all of the food on the counter. You walk over to the lounge and sat down next to (B/N3) "you seem down, are you okay?" (B/N3) asked, "I'm fine (B/N3)" you replied, "it's just that (B/N2) and I encountered three men that chased us around a little bit but luckily for us, we got away" "it's a good thing your okay" (B/N3) said, putting a hand on your shoulder. You smile and relax into the lounge. You are lucky to have friends who look out for you, most people in the underground aren't so lucky. Here it's Kill or be Killed. Thugs roam the streets, women are raped, murderers run free and the military police is corrupted.

Later at night, you lay in bed look at the ceiling, staring off into space and filling your mind with the memories of your mother and brothers. Your brother was captured by the military police and was never heard from again and your mother and brother died while fighting off the military police. You ran away and met your friends. Together you found a nice house, work together to survive and fought off the military police as much as you can. Despite the living conditions down here, you are happy and safe with your friends.
Then the door open, revealing (B/N1) "hey (Y/N)" he says "hi (B/N1)" you reply "what brings you here?" "Just checking in on ya, he he he" he replies with a slight blush. You smile back at him and he blushes harder, he then turns around and walks out of the room after saying "goodnight". You lay back down and you start to close your eyes and drift off into the darkness full of dreams.

A couple of days later you and (B/N2) are sweeping the floors while (B/N1) and (B/N3) practice fighting skills for the next time the military police come by. You and (B/N2) were not good at fighting so you would often try to run or flee from certain attacks or hide behind one of your friends for protection. You hum a little tune from a lullaby that your mother used to sing to you. (B/N2) noticed and asked, "what are you humming (Y/N)?" You looked at him and smile "it's a little song my mother used to sing to me and my brothers when I was young" you reply. (B/N2) was older than you by a couple of months but he can still act as if he was younger than you. You continued sweeping and humming your mother's lullaby.

Watching on a nearby building are 3 men. one tall and buffed, the other slightly shorter but with big eyebrows and the other is a short midget. They watch you as you sweep the floor and humming. "So, why did you bring us here?" the buffed guy said "silence or she might hear you," the short guy hissed. Eyebrows smirk, he has something on his mind. Shorty noticed and asked, "what's with the smirk?" Eyebrows glare at the 3 boys that are living in the house where you live in. He was disgusted and has something in mind, something sinister and unthinkable. "Tomorrow boys, we are going to fetch our new pet...

...and have her for ourselves

To be continued

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