The genocide (part 2)

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Major character death, gore and disturbing character death

You, (B/N1) and (G/N) are running through the streets of the underground. Your heart was pounding, the constant thumping noises echo through your head. The street that you lot were running through was cramped, full of obstacles, jutting out at random locations. Far behind, probably more than 700 meters away are the blood-covered scouts that fly through the air with their 3DMG gear, they have intentions to capture you and to kill your friends, They are closing the gap between you and them quickly...

650 meters...

600 meters...

550 meters...

You 3 then began knocking over obstacles to block the paths of your aggressors to give you 3 a chance to escape and it worked. You three kept running as the raging soldiers smash their way through box's, carts, etc. then you saw an alleyway, it was dark and had a bin for your lotto hide in. You all snuck one last glance. Erwin and the other soldiers were too busy getting through obstacles that distracted them from their prey. You took the risk and ran into the alleyway and jumped into the bin and closed the lid.

You all sat still in the bin, trying your best not to make a sound. Then the sound of muffled cables and wires were heard but quickly got quieter and quieter until they were nowhere to be heard which means they are now gone.

After a little while, you slowly lift the lid of the bin slightly and peaked out. There was no sight of the survey corps. You all climbed out and slowly walked out of the alleyway. You looked at every direction to cheek if any survey corp officers are in sight, there was no one. You all began walking, you all don't know where you were going but you were moving. You all were quiet, the horrors you've witnessed back at the house, your two friends were killed in front of your eyes, the other friend that was out was probably killed and (B/N2) and (B/N3) is most likely deceased as well.

As you all walk you didn't realise that a group of people were stalking you, they weren't the survey corps but they are up to no good. Then out of nowhere the mystery people jump out and surrounded you. They had a strange type of ODM gear. They weren't in military uniform and instead of blades they had guns. You knew who they were, they were the anti-Personal Control Squad that was ruled by the legendary...

...Kenny Ackerman.

Kenny and Traute Caven came into view. They both glare at you, you all stare back. Kenny has a grin on his smug face and says, "well, well, well, look what we have here, it's a bunch of stray dogs wandering around in the centre of the underground this doesn't look good. "What are you lot doing out here anyway? Are you lost?" He asks, "n-no! We're just out for a walk so could you... please let us be?" (G/N) replies in a shaky tone. Kenny grins widely and says, "now why would I do that? You seem to be out here straying and now here we are, you look like you could be useful with us how about you-" Kenny was cut off by one of his men. "KENNY WATCH OUT!!!" Then Levi jumped out of nowhere and digs his blade deep in Kenny's chest and into his heart. You all scream at the sight, Levi has just killed his uncle in cold blood in a brutal way. Levi then pulls his blade out of Kenny's chest and watch's him collapse onto the floor, blood pooling around Kenny's body and the expression of terror frozen on his face. He turns to you and then with a creepy smirk he says these two words." found you~" then Erwin and Mike came into view and began violently killing all of the APCS members, Levi joins in by slashing open some and letting their guts spill on the floor. Erwin was giving anyone in his path a brutal beat down by using his blades to smash and cut off limbs while Mike grabs onto someone's jaw and began to yank at it until it dislocated and then the flesh keeping it together began to tear until the jaw was completely separated from the rest of they're body. Mike then smashes the guys now jawless face into the ground and it smashed into a bloody mess.

You and your 2 friends stand there in horror, surrounded by disfigured bodies and pools of blood. Traute was shocked, she has just witnessed the death of her comrades in the most violent way possible. The three survey corp officers that are now drenched in the warm crimson liquid and little bits of flesh turn to the terrified Traute, she was too shocked to move or do anything. Erwin and Mike looked at each other and thought of an idea. They both approached Traute, who is in absolute terror. Erwin grabs her by her left arm and Mike grabs her by her other arm and then they both shot their ODM wires into two separate buildings and then began to slowly go upwards and at the same time, pull on Traute's arms to the point where she was now in the air, arms apart being pulled by both Erwin and Mike. Then they began using their gas at full volume and began to pull on her arms hard like as they were playing a game of tug of war. Traute began to scream as the joints in her arms began to dislocate, Over time the flesh on her arms began to tear, her cries were then shortly replaced with blood-curdling screams as her right arm detaches from the rest of her body. Erwin has pulled around to a building with his ODM gear while Mike was pulled across to the other side. Erwin was still holding Traute by her left arm with was slightly torn by her shoulder. You and your two friends stand there in horror, seeing Trautes arm break of made you gag and want to vomit. Tears flow down Traute's face as the pain in what's left of her arm was unbearable. Blood oozing from the stump where her arm used to be. Then Mike swings to the building where Erwin and Traute were with her severed arm still in his hand. He then drops her arm and lets it fall onto the muddy ground. He then grabs ahold of Traute's waist and then shot wires onto the building across from them and then uses his ODM gear to start pulling him along slightly until he and Erwin were once again pulling on Traute. She began screaming again and loudly and then after a little bit her other arm then brakes off, letting Mike zip over to the other side and this time you then gag once again and then threw up into the floor.

Erwin then zips to where Mike is and then he and Mike grabs onto Traute's leg's and then began to repeat the same progress of tug of war with her legs. She screams and cry's loudly, then the leg that Mike was pulling on then tears off, the sound of flesh tearing, bones cracking and blood bursts out and onto you and your friends. Her smaller intestine dangles out from where her leg used to be. Erwin drops Traute's now dead body and jumps off the building, Mike does the same. They both walk up to you until they were in front of you. You are too scared to say or do anything, the monster that was once a charming decorated commander then chuckles in a low creepy tone before saying in a low crazed tone."(Y/N)! I'll make you a deal~ you can either surrender to me and we'll let your friends go or you don't surrender and your friends will DIE!!" He has dark bags under his eyes, a psychotic grin finds its way on his face and his pupils shrink of any sanity that was left." What's your decision? (Y/N)?" He asks...

...this is your choice, your friend's lives are in your hands.

Choose wisely.

To be continued

Comment if you should surrender or not... I'll leave it up to you.

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now