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You and (B/N1) made it back to the underground, you snuck past the guards and are now back home. You and (B/N1) fly through the underground, your hair flying through the wind. Then you two both land in front of a house, but it wasn't your house. You gave (B/N1) a confused look, " I know it isn't home (Y/N) but we have to stay here for our safety" he says in a charming voice "and besides, there's someone in there who you might like to see" you open the door and walk-in. Inside were 4 people and you instantly recognize them. They were your childhood friends from a while ago, along with them was your best friend.

(G/N) puts on a bright smile and ran up to you and gives you and a big hug, you hugged back and both started crying tears of joy. "(Y/N)!!" "(G/N)!!" You both squealed and jumped around like 3-year-olds. "I missed you (Y/N)!" (G/N) squealed. "I missed you too (G/N)" you squeal back.

After you and (G/N)'s moments of squealing and hugging you all gathered around and are now chilling and socializing together. You, (B/N1) and (G/N) were talking by the lounge and are talking about recent events. "So what's been happening (Y/N)?" (G/N) asked. You had a moment of thought, and then said "not good, yesterday everything went to shits!" (G/N) was concerned. "What's been happening (Y/N)?" She asked. "Well... yesterday the...." you stopped for a moment. Everyone stops talking and looks at you. (G/N) was getting worried. "Tell me (Y/N), what happened?" she asked. Then you spat out everything "The survey corps came to our house yesterday and they took (B/N2) and I back to their headquarters and I tried to escape but I got caught and then the commander he...." you stopped at the part of when he did it to you. Everyone was now watching, (G/N) was shocked and (B/N1) was now getting angry, he then said: "what did that bastard of a commander do to you?" He asked. The memory of last night replays in your mind, how he did those 'things to you. With tears flowing down your eyes you finally said these three words

"he Raped Me"

Everyone gasped at those words, (G/N) was horrified. (B/N1) too was shocked but then he asked a question that furthered worry you "(Y/N)! Did he use protection?" Your mind then went into a scandal. He didn't use protection. "No" you answered. (B/N1) then grew angry, not just any anger, pure rage built up inside him. Everyone was worried since Erwin didn't use protection when he forced himself on you, it could only lead to one thing...

(B/N1) got up and walked out of the room, he was so pissed off like never before and he also punched the wall so hard that it left a hole in the wall. Everyone was silent, even you were silent. You then get up and walked out of the room, you were worried for (B/N1) so you decided to comfort him from his upset mind.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now