Taking action

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Today is the day, that you will make the decision that will change the future of your current situation. It's now 9 in the morning and Erwin and Levi have left to go on an expedition, it's just you and everyone else here. You're sitting on Erwin's bed, thinking of a way to sneak out and into Hanji's lab. Erwin told you to stay here while he's out. You thought and thought until you came up with a plan. You stood up and went to the bathroom. You began looking through his bathroom cupboards and surprisingly you found some makeup,' why the hell does he have makeup? He's a boy, whatever you thought to yourself. You grabbed the makeup and put on as much as you can and tried to make yourself unrecognisable. You put up your hair and in a messy bun and now you are done. You don't look like yourself which is good, no one will suspect it's you.

You slowly opened the door and looked around. No one is in sight, you made your move. You walk down the halls, trying not to look suspicious( (Y/N) looking sus). You pass a few scouts and they didn't notice a thing about you. You made it to Hanji's lab, you sigh in relief. You opened the door and peeked inside, no one is there. You entered the lab and closed the door. Good, you're in the lab, now you need to find the pills, it's a matter of finding them. You wander around the lab, looked in cupboards, and on shelves but you couldn't find them. You were beginning to give up when you saw a jar that has a label on it and it says "pregnancy termination pills". Yes! That's exactly what you needed. You took the jar and as you were about to leave you heard Hanji's voice in the hallways. You quickly hid in a cupboard and stayed as quiet as possible. The door to the lab opened, Hanji walks in humming herself. You can't tell what she was doing but you hoped that she wouldn't come this way. After a while, she walked out the door and left. You sigh in relief and when you were about to leave she then burst through the door again. She looks around and grunts, she can sense that something is up, "Who's in here!?" She yells. Your heart began to race, you began to sweat. Hanji began to walk around the lab, looking for the intruder that dares sneak into her lab. Your mind is racing, and your heart is beating so fast. You now can hear her footsteps, they are getting closer to you. Before she could get any closer the door bursts open, revealing moblit and Nanaba, "HANJI!!! HAVE YOU SEEN (Y/N)!!?! SHES GONE!!!" Moblit yells in panic. Hanji then went into a panic," SHES NOT IN ERWIN'S ROOM!?!? WHERE COULD SHE HAVE GONE!!?!" She yelled."Come on! We have to find her before Erwin gets back if he knows that she's gone then he'll be seriously mad!" Nanaba yells. Hanji ran out of the room along with Moblit and Nanaba. You sigh in relief, you were almost caught. You get out of your hiding place and quietly left the lab and back to Erwin's room.

You stare at the tablets in your hand. You are really about to do it, you are going to take away the chance of life for the baby inside you. You knew it a selfish and life-threatening decision but you won't let that bushy eyebrow bastard who took away your quiet life get what he wants. With all the courage you, shove the tablets in your mouth and swallowed them.

There is no going back now.

Now you have to play the waiting game. You stare at yourself in the mirror, you've done it, what would Erwin think of you now, maybe you could pretend that you've miscarriage and hopefully he'll believe you. Before you can process more thoughts, you suddenly felt cramps in your belly, it felt like period cramps but as time went on it got worse and worse. You bend over in pain groaning and clenching your teeth, it hurt so much. You climb into the bathtub and began to wail. You began to tear your clothes off from the pain. Now your starting to regret your decision, it was hurting so much. There was blood everywhere in the tub, tears flowing down your face. Then there was banging at the door, I sound like someone heard your screams. Then your body became weak, you were in so much pain and you were losing too much blood. You began to blackout when the door burst open and something flows out of you and then darkness consumes your vision.

To be continued

You can run but you can't escape us (yandere Erwin, Levi and Mike x female readeWhere stories live. Discover now