Chapter Thirty-Five

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Ahhh I can't believe I finally finished it. And just in time too because I'm getting really tired. Anyways, I'm super proud of this chapter, I really enjoyed writing and I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Can't wait to start the next tomorrow ;D I've seriously got some exciting stuff planned for this story and I can't wait for you guys to read it. Please give me your feedback in either comment or votes, remember a vote means that you absolutely, 100%, totally, without a shred of doubt, LOVED it more than anything in the world c: I love you guys, enjoy!!! :)

The warm water washed down my back drenching my entire body in warmth; but if the water was so warm, why was I still covered in goose bumps? My mind kept replaying what happened last night over and over again. I didn’t remember much; the whole thing was fuzzy. Perhaps, it was only a dream, I thought. Yeah, that’s what it was; a dream, just a really bad dream created by my bone-shaking nerves and over-active imagination.

I let out a deep sigh, causing water from the shower head blow from my lips in front of me. There was a sudden bang on the bathroom door that made me jump about a foot in the air. I almost slipped in the pooling water beneath my feet, but managed to somehow keep my balance.

“Would you hurry it up in there?” Emily screamed at me. “You’ve been in there for two hours! I still have to get ready for school, too.”

She was exaggerating. I’d only been sitting under the warm water of the shower for twenty minutes, which is less than half the time she takes for her morning showers. I rolled my eyes and called out, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

I barely heard her groan and stomp away from the door as I lathered my hair in sweet smelling honey shampoo, the scent washing away my nerves and previous fears and bringing a smile to my face for the first time this morning.


The school day went by surprisingly fast. I thought it funny how when you were really excited for something, the day seemed to drag on, but whenever you’re dreaded something, it goes by in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, Charlotte was pulling the car into a small parking lot that sat in front of a tall building.

As everyone else started to get out of the car, I stayed in my seat and took a few deep breaths. “Taylor,” Kris urged me.  I turned my head to look at her. “Are you coming?” She said soothingly. I took one more deep breath, and nodded my head, shooting her the best smile I could manage.

Charlotte walked in front of us while Kris, Ember, and I brought up the rear. Kris had her arm thrown over my shoulder, pulling me close to her side in the cold air, while Ember had her arm looped around mine.

My steps started to falter as we approached the two glass doors. “It’s okay, Tay. We’re right here with you,” Ember encouraged me. I smiled down at her, and took a deep breath before marching through the double doors.

We had to take an elevator to the fifth floor. There was already another woman waiting for the elevator. Charlotte unnecessarily pushed the call button again, and stepped back beside me. The woman had light blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and dark blue eyes. She was wearing bright red lipstick and a red dress and heels.

The doors finally opened, and the five of us squeezed into the small space. The woman’s lips turned up into a sneer when she saw us push the button for floor five. I guess she knew what was on that floor.  I bowed my head in shame as my face turned a deep shade of red.

“How old are you?” The woman asked, breaking the tense silence.

“Seventeen,” I said quietly, still feeling shamed.

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