Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Wrote this chapter pretty fast, cuz I really gotta be gettin my butt to bed. But I really wanted to write this chapter for you guys :) So here it is!!!! Unedited and stuff though so I'm sorry if anything's is messed up :)

The day Kellin finally came home, I woke up beyond excited. Butterflies were fluttering around my stomach from the second I woke up. I decided to skip school that day so I could meet him at the airport. He was able to get a decently early flight, so his plane should be landing around one o’clock, which left us the rest of the afternoon and evening to catch up and spend some quality time together.

I woke up at nine o’clock to an empty house. I was thankful for that, because now I could take my sweet time getting ready to see my sexy boyfriend today. After taking a quick shower, I wrapped my hair in a towel and skipped to my room to pick out my attire for today. Yes, I literally skipped to my room, I was that excited.

I blasted my music from my small speaker while I rustled through my closet until I decided on a light, over-sized sweater that reached my mid-thigh, a pair of black leggings and a pair of brown boots that came up to my knees that Kris had let me borrow a while ago.

I then proceeded to dry my hair with the blow dryer and straightened it. Unfortunately, my hair decided to be extremely uncooperative this morning, and no matter how much I straightened it, it kept frizzing back up. I reluctantly decided to put half of my hair back in a waterfall braid. It didn’t look too bad, so I shrugged my shoulders and began my usual make-up routine: foundation, powder, wing-tipped eyeliner, charcoal grey eye shadow, mascara, and I applied a bit of clear lip gloss.

Just when I decided that I didn’t look half bad, my phone started ringing. My heart skipped a beat, hoping it would be Kellin saying his plane had landed early. My heart fell into my stomach when I saw Lizzie’s name on the screen. It fell even further when I realized they must have my test results now, or she wouldn’t be calling.

Hesitantly, I took a deep breath and pressed the green button. “Hello?” I said softly, my voice shaking.

“Taylor, I’m so glad you picked up. I thought you’d be in school at this time,” she said casually.

“Kellin’s coming home today,” was the only explanation I gave her. She seemed to understand by the way she chuckled and said “Of course.” I cleared my throat and asked, “Did you get my test results?”

“Yes, we did,” she told me. I tried my best to keep my breathing steadily. “I was wondering if you could come by my office when you get a chance today.”

I glanced at the small digital clock on my bedside table. It said: 11:08. Kellin wouldn’t be here for another two hours or so. How long could it take to hear my results? “I can come now,” I told her.

“Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.” We said goodbye and hung up the phone.

I quickly put on my clothes and fixed them neatly in the mirror before calling Charlotte and walking out the door with my wallet and phone in hand.


The bus took me to Lizzie’s office, and Charlotte met me there about ten minutes later. I hated dragging her from work like this, but I felt like I really needed someone to be there with me when Lizzie and Dr. Atkins told me I was crazy.

As soon as Lizzie was done with her client, she called me back to the office, and I took my regular seat on the ottoman. We were joined by Dr. Atkins moments later. The two of them sat on the couch across from Charlotte and I. Dr. Atkins skipped the formalities and got right to the point.

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