Chapter Forty-Two

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NEW UPDATE NEW UPDATE NEW UPDATE!!!!!  I hope you guys are as excited as I am. In all honesty, I could have made this chapter a bit longer, but I have to work tomorrow so I need to get some sleep, but I also thought this was a pretty good way to end the chapter. I really hope I haven't lost some of you due to my lack of updating. It's just that I've only gotten two votes on the last chapter and I usually get more when I update a new part. I just really hope that I haven't lost some readers due to my suckiness. I really hope y'all will stick around to see how this story ends, because I still have so much to share and there's a lot more drama coming your way. :)

Considering the last day was only a half day, and we got to leave after lunch, the day flew by quickly. Before I knew it, I was sitting at our usual lunch table among the theatre kids. Kris and Ember were chatting away with them while I sat quietly in the midst of it all anxiously tabbing my foot on the tile floor and moving food around on my plate.

"Taylor, you need to eat something," Kris whispered from beside me.

I jerked my head in her direction, surprised by her sudden voice in my ear. "I'm not hungry," I answered, dropping the plastic spork to the plate.

"Yes you are," Kris argued. "You didn't eat breakfast this morning. You need food in your stomach."

"I said I'm fine." I pushed the plate away to make sure my point was clear.

I heard Kris sigh heavily and felt her adjust her position to face me. She moved my curtain of hair away from my face and laid it across my back. The light touch caused me to shiver.

"Are you still worried about what you're going to say to Kellin?" She asked more quietly. Not that anyone was paying attention to the two of us anyways. The bell would ring soon and we'd all be dismissed from school for the next three weeks. People were already crowding around the doors and watching the clock on the wall in anticipation.

"Maybe," I mumble, turning away from her.

"Don't," she said.

I scoffed at her statement. Easy for her to say. She wasn't the one who had to tell the person they loved that on top of schizophrenia, self-harm, and anorexia, her parents beat the shit of her on a daily basis. Just pile on the problems, Taylor. What's one more to deal with, right? While you're at it, why don't you tell him about the raping, too, so he can have yet another reason to leave you high and dry?

I was about to say something to her when a girly scream came from across the cafeteria. Our attention turned to the doors where a young girl-younger than us-with black and blue hair and dark eyeliner was jumping up and down in excitement of something.

"He's here! He's here! He came back! I can't believe it!" She was squealing.

For the first time since early this morning a small smile came across my lips. I studied the young girl a little more closely and saw she had a nose ring through her septum, and she was wearing a Sleeping with Sirens t-shirt.

Without fully thinking, I grabbed my backpack from the floor, and my lunch tray and started to make my way towards her, tossing my tray on the way. When I finally reached her, she was still hopping in place and had the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"Hey," I greeted her. Her brown eyes came across to look at me. "You're a Sleeping with Sirens fan," I stated, motioning to her shirt.

"Only the biggest," she said. "I heard rumors that he came to the school yesterday, but I didn't believe it until I saw the pictures. I had a fucking dentist appointment, so I missed the whole thing." She'd stopped jumping but I could still see the excitement in her eyes.

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