Chapter Thirty-Nine

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YAY!! New chapter!!! Again, I am so sorry that I couldn't update for a while, but I've finally come to a decision. Instead of stressing myself out trying to make all A's just so I have a chance of getting into the PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant) program, I'm going to transwer to a univerity and become an elementary school teacher. And the best part of this plan, is while I'm teaching, I'm going to also be writing books and try to get them published. Basically, I'm going to try to become a real writer! In fact, I've already gotten an idea and I'm going to start writing it this summer!

I want to thank all of you for being so patient and understanding throughout this whole ordeal. Now enough of my blibber blabber, enjoy chapter 39! :)

Kellin took me home around ten o’clock. We’d spent the day cuddling on the couch watching movies, and talking about everything under the sun. He told me about the tour, and I told him about my boring life at school. Of course, this was after I explained everything Dr. Atkins had explained to me. He seemed to take it well enough. Mostly he was supportive and caring like he always was, worrying more about how I was doing with everything instead of him. I could see it in his eyes though. He was a little freaked out and I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I think he could see that, because before I could say anything, he would kiss me softly and tell me that we were going to get through this and everything would be okay.

I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend than Kellin Quinn. I was honestly the luckiest girl in the whole world. What kind of man would stick around when his girlfriend was diagnosed as a mentally insane nut job? When I ask Kris over the phone that night, she said it was because he loved me. The idea brought a smile to my face.

Could it even be possible for someone as amazing as Kellin to love a girl like me?


I don’t think the school day could have gone any slower. I feel like I’ve been here for ten hours, but it’s only third period. Kris was basically dragging me through the hallway to get to our English class. What made this whole thing worse is that it was only Thursday. We still had a whole other day of this crap before break.

“Come on, Taylor!” Kris groaned, pulling me by the arm down the hall as my feet dragged behind me. “There are only a few more classes, and we’re not even really doing anything.”

“Exactly! We’re not doing anything, so time passes so much more slowly,” I whined.

She laughed at me as we approached the door. The bell rang a split second before we passed through the door. Mrs. Perez sent me a glare as I entered with a frown. Mrs. Perez was big on never missing a day of her class, especially without a proper excuse. She crossed her arms and stared at me from where she stood at the front of the room.

“Miss Foster,” Mrs. Perez said to me sternly. Kris and I both froze just inside the doorway and looked at her. “We sure missed you in class yesterday. Were you sick?”

“I had a doctor’s appointment,” I told her. It was kind of the truth. It was just wasn’t the kind of doctor she’d think of.

“Surely it didn’t take all day.” The class had grown silent as they watched the scene unfold. I felt my face grow hot from the sudden attention, and I bowed my head.

Kris seemed to notice and took charge. “She had other things to do,” she explained shortly and started to lead me to our seats.

“More important than coming to my class? If what you had to do was so important, Miss Foster, why don’t you share?” She said to me.

Kris and I sat in our seats. Kris opened her mouth to answer for me, but Mrs. Perez help up her hand. “I was asking Taylor.” She looked to me expectantly.

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