Chapter Seventeen

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It's not a very long chapter, and it's not a very good one either, but I was asked to update soon so I did! :) I hope you guys like this chapter despite its crappiness. ENJOY! and don't forget to vote and comment! ily<3     (BTW: "These Are the Nights" is in the sidebar if you've never heard it! And this chapter is dedicated to crystalbirdie! She's a friend of mine and she's been giving me lots of good feedback lately. Thank you, Crystal!)

After dinner, Kellin drove us to a small, secluded park where we walked hand in hand just talking. It was a really romantic setting yet simple. He told me he thought I’d appreciate the simplicity of it all; which I did. I’ve never been the type of girl to yearn for such over-dramatic things from guys, or anybody really.

When we got tired of walking, we moved over to the swings and continued our conversation there. It was just like when we would talk on the phone while he was away. We would talk for hours and never get bored and there would almost never be a break in the conversation. But on the phone was still a lot different than having him here in front of me. It seemed more personal in some way, more intimate. It was nice to have someone to talk to like this. And we weren’t even talking about important things. We talked about the things we liked, the things we hated, the things that annoyed us to no extent. We talked about the stars and the universe. We had deep conversations that people just don’t have any more.

In the end, it was the perfect first date.

But he eventually had to drive me home. It was well past midnight and I’m sure Kris was worried about me, especially since she had no way of getting in contact with me since she practically ordered me to leave my phone at home.

On the way home, Kellin held my hand over the console of the car and we sang along to every song on the radio. As we pulled up to the curb in front of Kris’s house, a slower song came on that I’d never heard before. We didn’t get out of the car, instead we stayed where we sat and listened to the song in silence.

Our bodies to hand with the Jersey shoreline / Connecting the tide to the sand that was dry / And we both laid entwined, stared at the night / Clouds overhead, but that was all right / Cause then and there, the wind in your hair / Heaven was jealous to merely look fair against you / And all I need now is this moon to keep light in its desolate skyline for good.”

The song was beautiful. The way the melody and the harmony mingled was like magic. And the lyrics were like poetry; perfectly timed in rhythm to the instruments playing in the background.

I looked over to Kellin to find him already looking at me. I quickly, turned my head away and blushed, tuning back into the song.

Cause these are the nights that you know when you’re there / You couldn’t have planned it much better I swear and you hope / That your senses aren’t failing you now, but they’re slipping away / (These are the nights).

“Beautiful song, isn’t it?” Kellin’s voice broke through the space between us. He spoke quietly, barely being heard over the music, as if he were afraid he was going to break the beauty of it.

I turned back to him with a small smile and spoke in the same hushed tone, “It is. What is it?”

“It’s called “These Are the Nights” by Making April.” He answered, returning my smile.

“I’ve never heard it before,” I paused before squeezing his hand gently. “But I’m glad I’m hearing it for the first time with you.” His smile grew slightly as the song came to its end.

These are the nights that you know when you’re there / You couldn’t have planned it much better I swear and you hope / That your senses aren’t failing you now / And you think to yourself now I could be wrong / But I might have just stolen this scene from a song and you know / That your senses aren’t failing you now / Cause these are the nights, these are the nights / These are the nights, these are the nights.

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