Chapter Thirty-Four

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 Kellin went back on tour for another two weeks after Thanksgiving, but after that he was free to do whatever he wanted until the new year and he’d promised me he’d spend that time here in Austin. I was beyond excited when I heard this news. I don’t know what I expected our relationship to be like at first, but I didn’t expect the constant distance to be this hard. I was just happy that we were able to work through it and stay strong despite the miles.

As for Kris and I’s search, we were coming up empty and came to the conclusion that we needed some extra help. I finally worked up the courage to tell Ember about my hallucinations. I thought for sure the girl would cry when I told her about it. After that, she helped us find Dr. Miller; a clinical psychologist specializing in cases such as mine. Charlotte made the call for me while I was in school one day and set up an appointment for the following week. It scared the hell out of me, but I knew that I had to go through with this, and with my best friends and adoptive mother beside me for support, I knew I could do anything.


“How’s the tour going?” I asked my boyfriend late one night. I was sitting on my bed with my math book in front of me, trying my hardest to figure out how to do this polynomial. Kellin was a good distraction though, because I was starting to feel like my brain was about to explode when he finally called me.

“It’s great; the fans are amazing. I miss you like crazy, though,” he said. I could imagine his smile on the other end as my own face-breaking smile spread across my lips.

“I miss you too, babe. Only one more week,” I tried to reassure him, but really I think we both knew I was just trying to reassure myself.

He chuckled into the speaker. “How’s school?”

I groaned, making him laugh louder. “Don’t mention school. I’m working on my stupid math homework right now, and it’s making my brain hurt.” He laughed again. “Don’t laugh! I’m seriously considering dropping out and becoming a hermit or something.”

“Why would you be a hermit?”

“Because I don’t have the boobs to be a stripper, nor the money to buy the boobs for it,” I joked with him.

“Ha ha, very funny,” he said sarcastically. I couldn’t help but giggle at him. It was times like this that really made me truly happy. For once, I felt like a normal teenage girl, giggling on the phone with her boyfriend, complaining about math homework. For a minute, I actually forgot about my appointment tomorrow afternoon.

My laughter died down. “So, I need to tell you something.”

Kellin’s laughter halted and his tone of voice changed to one of concern. “What is it, darling?”

My heart fluttered in my chest, but I pushed those feelings away for now so I could focus on the current issues. “I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided to see a doctor about the things I’ve been seeing,” I told him.

He was silent for only a moment. “Are you serious?” I nodded, though he couldn’t see me. I could hear the smile in his voice, easing the tension in my back. “Taylor, baby, I am so proud of you,” he told me, and that one comment warmed my heart to no measurable extent. I don’t think he quite understood how much it meant to me to hear him say that. My eyes were soon clouded by tears. I swiped them away. It was silly to cry at something like this.

“My first appointment is tomorrow at four. The girls and Charlotte are coming with me,” I told him.

“Well, you’ll have to call me afterwards and let me know how it went. I wish I could be there for you.”

“It’s okay; you have other things you need to do. Besides, I’ll have my friends with me. I’ll be fine.”

“Well, just know that I’ll be thinking of you, okay?” I smiled and we remained silent for another moment or two. “I should be getting to bed, and you should too.”

“I still have homework. Some of us still have to pass high school, you know?” I teased. He laughed softly.

“Alright, whatever. Goodnight, Taylor. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, Kellin.” We simultaneously hung up the phone and I set it aside. I stared at the book in front of me for another five minutes before deciding to ask Ember tomorrow morning before class since she’s a freaking Einstein when it comes to math.


A soft creak stirred me from my sleep. I rolled over enough to look around the room and saw that my door was being shut. My heart rate quickened as a particular thought came to mind.

I forgot to block my door.

There was a large figure approaching my bedside, but it was too dark to see who it was for sure. I wanted to sit up and scoot away in terror, but my body was still too asleep to move.

“It’s alright,” the figure said to me. It was definitely a man’s voice, but my sleepy brain couldn’t tell whose. “You were crying in your sleep, dear. I just came to check on you.”

I tried to remember what I had been dreaming about, but I couldn’t conjure up a single memory.

“I brought you something to help you sleep.” The man held out his hand. In it, were two white pills. When I didn’t move to take them, he patiently raised one of my own and placed them there. When his hand became free, he smoothed back my hair from my face. The motion was so soothing, my fear eventually drained away. I felt like I could trust him.

I managed to sit up enough and toss the pills to the back of my throat, and I swallowed them. The man was then magically holding a glass of water out to me. I took a small sip and handed it back before lying back down in my bed and shutting my eyes.

“There you go. Now get some sleep, pumpkin.” My eyes shot open. Only one man called me that, but I was growing too sleepy to be scared; I was too tired to cry for help. The next thing I knew, I was falling into a black abyss where I couldn’t see, hear, or feel anything around me.

Alright guys, here's another chapter for your enjoyment and pleasure :) I hope you all liked it. So...I am not totally sure how well this semseter is going for me right now, so until I feel a bit more confident about it, I probably won't be able to write a full chapter like I usually do. I'll more than likely have to write a little bit a time. So I'm sorry for leaving you hanging like this but...keeps you interested right? :) and just for future reference, and I'll say this again when the time comes, anything I say that has to do with the psychology stuff, I've only had one semester of psychology and I am by no means an expert, so DO NOT take what I say as fact because it may or may not be totally accurate :) comment and vote, let me know what you guys thought of this chapter :) I love you <3

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