Chapter Four

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Here's chapter four for ya! It's not much but I figured I should update. There will probably be a time skip sometime soon but I'll be sure to say *however many whatevers later* so you know what's going on. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Now go forth and read! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT<3

            I woke up at seven o’clock the next morning. I had only gotten maybe five hours asleep, but I couldn’t seem to go back to sleep. So I laid in my bed, wide awake and listened to my music. I spent my whole weekend like this. I never left my room during the day. I took showers late at night when everyone was fast asleep. I was too scared that Diane or Kevin would pounce on me. I kept my door locked and my headphones blaring so I couldn’t hear anything that was going on on the other side.

            Kris tried calling me multiple times, but I kept sending her to voice mail until I finally set my phone on do not disturb mode. I kept myself entertained by reading Kellin Quinn fanfictions on Wattpad and looking through Instagram and Tumblr the whole weekend.

            Come Monday, I still felt utterly disgusting. Although I had taken extra long showers all weekend, I couldn’t seem to wash away the filth of Kevin from my skin. Sometimes I could swear that I still felt his sweat all over me.

            I stood on the corner of or street, waiting for Kris’s car to pull up so she could drive me to school. Although it was still eighty degrees, I was wearing long sleeves and skinny jeans. That’s the thing about living in Texas. It’s always hot, and when it’s fifty degrees in the morning, it’ll be ninety by noon. Texas weather, it’s fucking bipolar!

            Kris pulled up in her Toyota Corolla after I’d been standing for a few minutes and I didn’t hesitate to climb right in. Neither of us said anything as I buckled my seat belt and fiddled with the radio for a bit before deciding to plug in my phone to her speakers. When I was done with all of that, I noticed that she still hadn’t started driving. I looked up to meet her brown eyes and found her already staring at me. “Good morning,” I finally greeted, trying my best to sound normal.

            “Good morning? That’s all you have to say to me?” She asked, her voice getting edgy. I knew better than to answer her so I sat back in my seat and waited for her to continue the ran I knew was coming. “I’ve been calling you all weekend, Taylor. I’ve texted you, called you, kiked you, I even e-mailed you! You had me worried sick! Why didn’t you answer my calls? I thought you were dead!”

            She finished with a loud scream that made me flinch back against my seat. I still didn’t answer her but instead played with the ends of my long sleeves. Kris noticed and looked at me suspiciously. “Taylor,” I looked up at her, noticing how softer her voice was now. “Let me see your arms.” I shook my head and looked away from her. “Taylor,” she said more forcefully, letting me know she wasn’t messing around.

            I knew from the beginning I wouldn’t get away with it. Hesitantly, I unbuckled the seat belt and rolled up my sleeves to reveal the fresh, raw cuts up and down my arms. Kris gasped audibly. I flinched again as tears filled my eyes to the brim.

            “Tay, why would you do this? You were doing so well.” I didn’t look up at her. I couldn’t bear to see the tears in her eyes. It was bad enough I could tell she was talking around a lump in her throat.

            “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t stronger. I broke my promise to you. I just couldn’t deal with­—” My voice cracked before I could say anything more.

            It was awkwardly silent in the car for a long minute before Kris spoke up in a soft voice. “Do you want to go get some breakfast?”

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