Chapter Eighteen (cont.)

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So, this is a really really really REALLY shitty chapter that I just threw together from the ideas that I had written down. The reason it is Chapter Nineteen (cont.) is because this is the part that was supposed to go with chapter nineteen, but I didn't have my little black book to remember what all I had written down so here it is now. I know that I've been really bad with updating but aside from me being super busy with college and work and my social life (or lack thereof), I've honestly just had a major case of writer's block. I honestly just threw this together and called it a partial chapter. It's really bad and I'm super ashamed of it, but I think you guys deserve another chapter (or somewhat of a chapter) and I PROMISE that this story will be getting better within the next few chapters. I have a plan you guys, I swear. Just in case you have forgotten what happened recently, since it's been so long, here's a RECAP:

*Kellin came to Austin to take Taylor on their date. They went to a fancy Mexican restaurant and then walked around a park, talking for hours and eventually found a cafe when it got cold to continue their conversation. Kellin did not kiss Taylor at the door but he did text her right before bed saying he wants to hang out with her tomorrow. Chapter Nineteen was a major filler chapter that just followed Taylor throughout the beginning of the day before Kellin picked her up where she talked to Kris a little bit about him texting her and that they're hanging out that day. Kellin picks up Taylor and they start driving with a plan of just driving around the city until they find something to do.

There you guys go, I hope that helped a little bit. I'm super tired so I am going to sleep now, but I will try my absolute best to get a real, hopefully better, chapter up soon.

Kellin and I ended up getting lunch a small Chinese restaurant and walking down the street, looking at the window displays of the other shops nearby. We decided then to see a movie seeing as how neither of us had gone to the movies in a long time. We went to see the new version of Carrie. I could remember bits and pieces but for the most part, I found myself getting lost in the sensation of Kellin’s hand in mine.

After the movie, we found ourselves back at the small park we went to the night before. We talked for a long time about things that weren’t even important as we swung back and forth together.

Kris texted me around four thirty asking if we wanted to join her and her mom for dinner. Kellin said sure and Kris told us to meet them at Olive Garden in half an hour. When we got there, Kellin and Kris’s mom, Charlotte, were introduced and we all had a nice, friendly dinner together, which was refreshing from my own family dinners which just consisted of us eating in silence unless Emily was blabbing about something no one but Diane really cared too much about.

After dinner, I rode back to Kris’s house with Kellin. We sat in the car for a few minutes before going inside to have a little bit more time to ourselves.

“So, I’ve met Kris’s mom,” Kellin said out of the blue. In an instant, I knew where this was going. “When can I meet your parents?” He smirked at me, letting me know he was partially joking.

I smiled a little uneasily. “It’s a little early to be meeting the parents, don’t you think?” I teased.

He chuckled softly and shook his head. “I know, I was only teasing. You never talk about them though. And you seem to spend a lot of time at Kris’s house.”

I looked down to my lap. I was kind of hoping he never noticed that little fact. There was no way I could tell him why I spent more time with Kris and her family than my own. I especially couldn’t ever tell him about Kevin. What would he think of me then? I’d lose him for sure.

You’re already going to lose him, dipshit. He was, and never will be yours in the first place.

I ignored that voice and answered Kellin’s question as vaguely as possible but with still giving him enough to make him drop the subject. “It’s a long, boring story,” I supply.

“Give me the short version then,” he says. Not what I wanted him to say at all.

I took a deep breath and tried to quickly think of something that would be a good excuse but not worry him in some way. “My parents don’t really approve of my lifestyle choices. The clothes, the hair, the music; they hate all of it. It’s just easier to stay somewhere else than be home a lot and deal with them.”

Kellin nods his head a little bit, not really seeming to believe me but catching on that I wasn’t going to tell him any more tonight.

Outside the car, Charlotte was flashing the porch light, signaling that it was time for me to come in. Kellin and I laughed softly, seeing her face in the side window, watching us in the car.

“I guess that’s our cue,” Kellin says, getting out of the car to run to my side, once again opening the door for me.

“I can open a door, you know,” I teased. It was actually really flattering and romantic how he insisted on opening the doors for me.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, hush, alright?” Kellin took my hand in his and led us to the door. I laughed softly, following his lead.

We came to a stop at the front door, just as the night before, only tonight I wasn’t expecting anything more than a brief hug goodbye.

Kellin reached up his hand to rub his thumb lightly against the skin of cheek. I could feel heat rush into my cheeks but couldn’t make myself turn away from his eyes the way I usually do whenever I get embarrassed. “There was something I wanted to do last night, but I chickened out at the last second,” Kellin stated in a soft tone. I nodded, unable to speak through the lump suddenly growing in my throat. “I leave tomorrow, and I don’t want to leave without kissing you, Taylor.”

My breath caught short and I couldn’t breathe for a full five seconds. Did he really just say that he wanted to kiss me? No, I must be dreaming, I must be.

Kellin’s thumb brushed against my lower lip, making my heart start to pound hard against my chest. Then he was leaning in, closer, closer, closer, until he was only an inch away.

Finally, he pressed his lips to mine and I thought for sure my heart would explode. Kellin removed his other hand from mine to bring it up so he was gently cupping my face. I took a small step closer to him so that our bodies were pressed together more.

The kiss was over way to soon, but I could still feel the effects. Whenever Kellin pulled away, he sent me a small smile down at me. I smiled back, still trying to catch my breath and find my footing as my knees were wobbling beneath me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kellin whispered, touching our foreheads together. Seeing as how I still couldn’t speak, I nodded. He kissed me again before turning to walk down the walkway to his car.

I stood frozen on the front porch until Kellin reached the curb and Kris silently walked out to guide me into the house. It took me a whole ten minutes before I felt like I could speak and stand on my own. I may have never been kissed before, but I don’t think anyone else has ever had a kiss affect them in such a way.

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