Chapter Eleven

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I know that I've been really bad about updating, and I'm sorry. But in the hopes of making it up to you, here's an extra long chapter with some happy stuff along with some sad stuff. Hope you like it! And dont forget, ENJOY, VOTE AND COMMENT! ily<3

~Kellin’s POV~

            The girls came out in their dresses not long after we finished setting everything up. It was as if we all sensed their presence at the same time because as soon as they came through the gate into the pool area, all eyes turned on them. They were beautiful. My eyes grew wide when I fully saw them in the dim lighting, and I imagine the other guys looked about the same.

            I turned my eyes from Kris to Taylor and I thought my heart had stopped for a second. I couldn’t move; I couldn’t breathe; I couldn’t do anything but stare at her. Her hair and makeup were the same as they’d been all day, but something about her was different. She was so…absolutely beautiful. There were no words to properly describe how beautiful she was. From her straight blonde hair to her navy blue TOMS, every inch of her had me captivated.

            I would’ve stayed in my trance the whole night had Jack not said, “Damn, you girls look hot!”

            The group laughed, so I forced a laugh along with them, but I had a sudden urge to smack the boy upside the head for reasons I couldn’t explain at the moment.

            “Kris, maybe. Me, I just look like an idiot,” Taylor spoke up and the tight smile I had on my face fell instantly. It broke my heart that she couldn’t see how stunning she really was. Kris punched her partly playfully, partly serious and was about to say something when a voice interrupted her.

It took me a second to realize it was me who said, “No, you don’t.” All eyes turned to me. I licked my lips and took a deep breath before looking at Taylor and saying straightly, “You look beautiful.”

She blushed beet red and bowed her head to keep anyone else from seeing, but I saw the small smile playing on her lips. I just hoped she could see the truth in my eyes and hear the seriousness in my voice. I wanted to prove to her that she was so much more than she thought she was, but how could I do that? After today, I may not ever see her again.

No, I thought. I would see her again. I have to. Something in me was shouting at me, telling me to never let this girl get away. Who am I not to listen to that voice inside my head?

“We came here for music,” Taylor suddenly said. “Let’s get to it!”

Our group cheered and the guys took their respective places while the girls sat in the lounge chairs in front of us. “Okay,” I said into the microphone, smiling at Taylor and Kris. “We’ll get started right away. This first song is “Roger Rabbit”.” When I was finished, Jack started strumming the chords on his guitar and I started singing the lyrics.

The girls started singing along right away and I watched Taylor’s head fall back, eyes closed, her lips moving and a smile on her face.


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