Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hey guys! So I've been working on this chapter for a few days and I finally figured out how I wanted it to go. I was a little stuck for a while, and then something magical happened. I had to write my first essay in English a couple weeks ago, and I got the grade back today. 92!!!! And my professor personally told me that it was really good. It really boosted my self-esteem as a writer and suddenly my fingers were moving at lightning speed while writing this chapter. By the way, if any of you haven't already seen it, I strongly suggest you go see The Maze Runner! It's an amazing movie, Dylan O'Brien is a badass actor, and he's pretty fucking hot too. :) Anyways, one more big thing I wanted to say, while I was a little stuck on this chapter, I started making a timeline/calender for the rest of this story/book. This means that I have every last detail planned out until the very end. But I still want to hear your opinions and stuff so keep the feedback coming. I'm officially babbling so, here is chapter 25. Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :) ILY<3

In the two weeks Ember has been at our school, she’s really made a place for herself in our little group. Our tiny duo was now a trio. We did everything together. After school, we would go to Kris’s or Ember’s house, and work on our homework, or watch TV. Then, on the weekends, we’d hangout, and maybe do a little shopping.

Ember was dying to meet “Cole”, and when she asked me why I spend every weekend with her and Kris I told her that Cole was currently visiting his sick grandmother in Houston.

As for my real boyfriend, they had started touring again a week ago, and they just so happened to be in Texas this weekend. Kellin promised to try to visit while they were here, but I wasn’t getting my hopes up. I understand that he as busy with his career, and I wasn’t going to get in the way of that, but a small part of me was already a little disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see him. I missed him so much it hurt. Soon, I wasn’t sure the late night calls and video chats would be enough. It was like I could feel him losing interest in me as the calls and texts became less and less frequent.

The voices were getting worse as well, and without being able to rely on Kellin answering the phone I’d found myself resorting back to the blade for comfort and relief.

I would never tell anyone that part though. It would only make Kellin and Kris worry that much more about me.

The Tuesday before Kellin’s tour reached Texas, Kris and Ember seemed to notice how down in the dumps I was. “What’s wrong, baby girl?” Kris asked me at lunch that day as I moved the food on my plate around with my plastic spork. I shook my head in reply.

“Is it Cole?” Ember asked in a sad tone. Tears started to prick my eyes, and I kept my head down to hide them. Ember reached over and held my hand. “What’s wrong?” She repeated Kris’s question.

I looked up at both of them, trying my hardest not to let a single tear drop. “He’s coming back into town this weekend, but he’s not sure he’ll be able to see me. And he doesn’t call me as much as he used to. It’s like I can feel him losing interest in me, and I don’t blame him, but I can’t lose him. I just can’t!” I cried, briefly noticing that the tears were falling freely now.

Kris jumped up from her seat to come sit beside me on the other side of the table. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder while Ember kept a tight hold on my hand. “He’s not going to lose interest in you, sweetie. He’s so fucking in love with you that he doesn’t even know it, but I can see it. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Tay. He’s head over heels for you.”

“Don’t let this get you down, babe,” Ember added in. “This is just a little bump in the road, but everything will be okay.”

I nodded my head, not daring to say a single word lest more tears fall from my eyes. I only hoped that no one else seemed to notice my meltdown other than our small table.

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