Chapter Eight

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Been working on this chapter all day at school, just got it all typed up and edited. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT! ily<3


~Kellin’s POV~


            The closer the two girls got to us, the clearer their faces became. Soon they were right in front of us. The red head took the lead as she ran up and exclaimed our names as if we’d known each other for years.


            They went down the line and we hugged them in turn, and soon enough I was standing in front of the blonde. She kept her head down so that her hair was shadowing her face. I continued to stare at her shy stature and waited for her to meet my gaze.


            After a long moment, I heard her take a deep, shaky breath and then she lifted her eyes to mine.


            It felt as if the whole world had come to a standstill as I looked into her shining blue eyes. They were so blue, like the ocean but even more beautiful.


            My eyes traced over the rest of her face. From her high cheek bones to her long nose that only she could make attractive; to her smooth skin and finally to her full lips that were a perfect shade of purple. I had to catch myself before my mind fully delved into explicit daydreams about kissing those lips, feeling her small body pressed firmly against mine and losing my hands in her blonde hair.


            It seemed like hours later when I managed to snap myself out of the trance I was in. I smiled down at her and found her smiling back. God, her smile just lit up her whole face, making her look absolutely radiant.


            My heart pounded hard in my chest as I moved in to hug her. She was so short her head came to rest perfectly against my chest. I could’ve held onto her for eternity and been completely content with this. It just felt so right, holding her like this. I didn’t want to pull away. I didn’t want to lose the smell of sweet apples that was just so intoxicating.


            Alas, I had to pull back eventually. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but she seemed as reluctant as I was.


            “So, who’s who?” Jack was asking as I rejoined the conversation.


            “I’m Krissa, but call me Kris or I’ll have to seriously hurt your manhood,” the red head, Kris, joked while smirking evilly in Jack’s direction. Jack’s eyes grew wide in fear and he moved Gabe in front of him as a shield. We laughed and Kris blew him a kiss.


            Our attention turned to the blonde now. Her cheeks grew pink and she crossed her arms over her chest as she seemed to move away from the sudden attention. “I guess that makes me Taylor.” She chuckled softly and averted her gaze.


            Her voice was soft and a little husky, but not exactly in the sexy, sadistic, though it was pretty sexy to my ears. The sound made my own breath catch in my throat.


            It was then that I noticed everyone’s eyes were now on me, waiting for me to speak. I cleared my throat and looked around at our small group. “So, what are the plans for today?”

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