Chapter Six

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay you guys, I apologize for this update taking a while. We've been having some crazy weather and the wind somehow knocked out my wi-fi so I was without internet for a while. But it's back now! And just so you guys now, this story will probably NOT have a whole lot of chapter in Kellin's POV, but I will point out when it is in his POV. If there's nothing to indicate otherwise, the story is in Taylor's POV. I'm lazy and don't want to write it everytime so...yeah. I just wanted to make that clear. Also, this is chapter when Taylor and Kris go to California-Yay!-and I tried to make all the timing stuff make sense but if you don't understand, I'm sorry. California is two hour BEHIND Texas's weird for me. Anyways, just wanted to throw that stuff out there. I'm sorry for boring you for so long, so go forth and enjoy chapter six. Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT! ily<3(:

            Before I knew it, it was Friday afternoon and the dismissal bell was ringing, letting us all out of Hell for the weekend. This wasn’t just a regular weekend, though. Not for me and not for Kris. This was the weekend. All of our bags were packed and ready at her house. All we had to do was wait for her mom to get home so she could drive us to the airport. Simple enough, but it seemed to take forever!

            Mrs. James didn’t get off of work until six and it took her thirty minutes to get home after that. It then took us forty-five minutes to drive in Austin’s rush hour traffic to get to the airport, ten minutes for Mrs. James to let us go and another thirty minutes to get through airport security and stuff. We were lucky that we didn’t miss our flight!

            Lucky enough though, we were seated in our seats by eight. We were out of breath but laughing. The plane took off about ten minutes later. For the first half of the flight, Kris and I talked quietly about the things we wanted to do with the band tomorrow. She still wouldn’t let the whole ‘Kellin-falling-in-love-with-me’ bullshit but I entertained her ideas and listened to the things she said as she went on and on about how he’d see me and fall hopelessly in love. I only rolled my eyes and told her, “Only in my wildest dreams would Kellin Quinn fall in love with me.” To which, she’d respond, “He’d be crazy not to fall in love with you.” Again, I rolled my eyes and just said, “Okay, Krissa James, whatever you say.”

            She laughed and slapped my shoulder for saying her full name which only made us laugh harder. The woman behind us shushed us loudly. We made ugly faces at one another, imitating the woman. This only made us laugh harder, earning us another shush.

            After that, we tuned into our music and started reading fan fictions. Mine were about Kellin Quinn, duh. Kris’s were about Austin Carlile. I swear the girl was more obsessed with him than I was with Kellin Quinn.


            The plane landed around eight o’clock California time. However, in Texas, it would be eleven, so we were pretty tired.Finally, Kris and I were able to really stretch our legs. Everyone on the plane stood to leave the plane at the same time. The woman behind us who kept shushing us, glared at Kris and I as we took down our carry ons from the compartments over our heads. Simply because of her rude attitude, Kris and I cut her off from exiting the plane first just as rudely as her shushes and glares. She gasped at our actions as we stalked away from her, our chins held high in the air.

            Maybe our actions were uncalled for, maybe the woman was just tired or having a bad day, but that didn’t give her the right to be as rude as she was. After all the shit I’ve been through, I’m sorry, but I don’t have sympathy for people like that.

            Kris and I silently waited for our suitcases, too tired to be excited that we were in the city of angels. When our small suitcases finally came around, we hauled them away and looked for the signs with our names on them. Two people from AltPress were supposed to meet us at the airport to take us to our hotel for the night. I couldn’t wait to get there so I could crawl under the covers of a warm bed and get some delicious food in my stomach.

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