Chapter Ten

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I think this chapter is a little longer. It's probably crappy so I'm sorry. But I promise it will get more interesting soon. Soooo here ya go! ENJOY,VOTE AND COMMENT! ily<3

            After lunch, our group went to a mall where Kris and I spent the money we were given on things we probably didn’t need and goofed around. We were all loud and obnoxious. One of the other shoppers must’ve complained or something because a security guard came up to us at one point and asked us to calm down as we were “disturbing the other shoppers”.

            Of course, that didn’t really stop us. If anything, it made us louder and more obnoxious. Thirty minutes later, the security guard came back and asked us to leave. We caused a bit of a scene which I think just pissed off the guard. We thought it was hilarious.

            Since we still had a few hours before the acoustic private concert, we decided to go back to our hotel room and hang out. Hanging out turned into a dance party when Kris plugged her phone into her little speaker. The first song that played was “All to Myself” by Mariana’s Trench.

            As the first notes played and I realized the song, I gasped, squealed and jumped up from my spot on the couch between Kellin and Justin to dance and jump around the room while singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs. Kris joined me right away singing, “I don’t patronize, I realize I’m losing and this is my real life. I am half asleep, and I am wide awake. This habit is always so hard to break.”

            The guys were still sitting in their same places watching us, amused smiles on their faces. I saw Kellin watching me closest of all and somewhere deep inside of me, a sense of confidence over took me. I smiled sweetly, walked over to the couch and took Kellin’s hand in mine. Electricity shot up my arm when I touched him.

            “Come on, Kel, dance with me,” I said in a sultry voice, biting my lip in what I hoped was a sexy way.

            The chorus started and Kellin started singing, not taking his eyes off of me. “Did you say ‘please just follow me?’ I thought you wanted me. Cause I want you all to myself.” Kellin, still holding my hand, pulled me right up against him.

            “I can try to suck it up, I just can’t suck it up. Make me feel like someone else,” I sang, continuing to dance around the room, my hand still holding tightly to Kellin’s.

            The song changed to “Shake It” by Metro Station. Now, I let go of Kellin’s hand to jump up on the coffee table and dance harder than before. The guys laughed at me but also cheered me on. Whenever the song reached the chorus, I locked eyes with Kellin’s and sang to him. “Now, if she does it like this, will you do it like that? Now, if she touches like this, will you touch her right back? Now, if she moves like this, will you move it like that?” I swayed my hips in his direction and watched his eyes go wide. I smirked and continued to jump to the beat of the music.

            “Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it!” We screamed at the top of our lungs.

            But of course, with my luck, I was just in the middle of a shake when I tripped on my own big feet. Suddenly, the floor was coming up to meet my face. Luckily, two strong arms were able to catch me before I face planted.

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