Update about the sequel!

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I know it's been more than a year since I've written anything for/about One Day is All You Need and it's sequel, but that's why I'm here. It took me over 6 months to figure out how I wanted to begin, then another month or so of writer's block, but now I'm on a roll. I'm writing chapter two now and have up to chapter 6 mapped out. So, I have a path to follow and hopefully things will flow from here. This book will be quite a bit shorter in chapters, but the chapters will be very long. I apologize for the wait and thank you for your patience.

Please feel free to follow me on wattpad for more updates regarding my progress. You can also follow me on instagram (at: x_masked_angel (Sorry, it wouldn't let me put the 'at' sign)) I often post updates on my progress there as well. Posts about the story will become more frequent depending on how many follow me for that reason. My life isn't all that interesting.

Anyways, I just figured I should let you guys know where I was at because I know it's been so long and most of you have probably forgotten all about this book by now and that's my fault, but I am still very interested in writing this sequel. I think it's going to be very interesting and exciting. I'm no longer in school so it shouldn't take me too much longer as long as I keep at it and don't get stuck.

I also apologize if seeing this update got anyone's hopes up that the sequel is out; it is not yet finished, BUT I wouldn't be opposed to posting an excerpt if many of you were interested :)

That's all I have to say. Please post comments, ask me questions, and follow me on wattpad and instagram for further and more frequent updates and I will let you know how far along I am getting. Hopefully one day I can post a release date! :)

Enjoy the rest of your day/night and I love you guys! Kisses!!

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