Chapter Seven

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No super long note this time, just wanted to keep with tradition and tell you guys to ENJOY, VOTE AND COMMENT! and that ily<3(:

          We woke up early the next morning full of energy. We ordered room service and took our showers as quickly as possible. After filling our tummies with deliciously fluffy pancakes, eggs and enough bacon to feed a small army, we started sorting through our clothing options. We’d packed plenty so we had a variety of options to choose from. We blared music from my phone while doing our hair and make-up and found ourselves screaming the lyrics as loud as possible and dancing around the room.

            I simply straightened my hair pin straight and applied my usual foundation, wing-tipped eyeliner and mascara. As a finishing touch, I swiped on my favorite light purple lipstick and dabbed it softly so that you could barely tell I was wearing it. Once I was decently okay with how my face looked, I pulled on my outfit for the day. This consisted of my favorite Sleeping with Sirens tank top with lyrics from “Who Are You Now” on the front, red skinny jeans and navy blue TOMS with anchors on them.

            Kris straightened her red hair and styled it in a scene-style bump with a small black bow holding back her bangs. On her, it was super cute and innocent, but when I’d tried it a few years back, I looked like a four year old. Kris did her usual make-up with charcoal grey eye shadow, thick eyeliner and she put in her lip ring. Then she pulled on her own Sleeping with Sirens tank-we thought it was appropriate for us to wear the bands merch today-a pair of white skinny jeans and black and white checkered Vans.

            Seth had called while we were eating to tell us that we would be meeting the band in the lobby at nine and there would be a limo to drive us anywhere we want to go. So when the clock struck 8:55, Kris and I rushed out the door, grabbing our wallets, phones and key cards for the room and practically sprinted to the elevator at the end of the hall.

            We giggled like school girls the whole way down. When the floor number quickly changed from seven to six, the nerves set it.

            Suddenly, my palms were sweating, my stomach was cramping into knots, and my legs had turned to jell-o. What would I say to them? Would I just come out and tell them of everything they’ve done for me? What if they didn’t like me?

            “Tay, are you okay?” Kris touched my shoulder lightly. I thought my legs would give out for a second but I managed to stay standing.

            My throat was too dry to speak so I nodded and smiled reassuringly. She didn’t buy it. She knew me well enough to see through my façade, but she didn’t push the issue any further and just wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

            We both quietly watched the red numbers above the doors countdown. Three…two…one…DING!

            The doors slid open to reveal the same beautiful lobby we’d seen last night. Only now, there were children running around while their mothers chased after them, business men in stiff suits talking on their cell phones and you could hear water fall from the fountain in the center of the lobby trickling down to standing water below. We’d been so tired last night we hadn’t even noticed a fountain even though we had to have passed right by it to get to the front desk. I didn’t take too much notice to it now either, because standing in front of the marble fountain where water trickled down soothingly, was Sleeping with Sirens!

            Justin Hills, Jack Fowler, Gabe Barham, and there, standing on the end, was none other than Kellin Quinn. He was holding that sign again, the one with Kris’s and my name on it.

            I couldn’t believe they were really here, standing right in front of me. I wasn’t sure how to approach them, but Kris did. She took a hold of my arm and dragged me behind her as she walked right up to them and greeted them as if we were old friends reunited.

            They hugged us each individually. I was hesitant as I always was when it came to touching. Then, finally, I stood in front of Kellin. The man who had just recently saved my life by coming into my head at just the right moment. My heart swelled at the sight of him before me now as I glanced up at him through my hair. The backs of my eyes were starting to burn and I knew I was about the breakdown in tears.

            No. I will not cry. Not here, not now.

            So I took a deep breath and brought my eyes up to meet his…and froze.

~Kellin’s POV~

            The guys and I arrived at the hotel ten minutes early and stood in front of the fountain just as Kristin had told us to. For a girl as small and girly as her, she can be pretty intimidating. Shit, any girl who can simply walk in five inch heels is intimidating. Those damn shoes look so uncomfortable. I don’t know how girls manage it.

            We chatted amongst ourselves while we waited. We talked about the tour coming up and our families. After a few minutes, Jack, Justin, and Gabe got into a heated discussion I didn’t care to be involved in. Instead, I pulled out my phone and started playing a game while we waited.

            When I noticed that it was now nine o’clock, I put my phone back into my pocket and glanced around for Krissa and Taylor. I wasn’t sure what they looked like. Seth had described them a little but enough that I was in any way sure I could spot them in a crowd. All he really said was that they were cute.

            One of the two elevator doors slid open to reveal two very beautiful young girls. My eyes skimmed over the red head and landed solidly on the one with long blonde hair.

            She was stunning. Her hair was straight, her frame was small and she looked to be a few inches shorter than me. I couldn’t tell much from such a distance, but I could see that she was wearing a Sleeping with Sirens tank with skinny jeans and TOMS.

            Her friend was also in a SWS tank. Then they were walking in our direction. The red head was pulling her friend by the arm while she cowered behind her, avoiding all eye contact.

            These two must’ve been our girls.

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