Chapter One

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This is my new Kellin Quinn story! Yay! The first chapter is a little meh, but I promise you the second chapter gets the story really going and it gets interesting. So I'm gonna stop talking now and let you guys start reading! Enjoy and please vote and comment! Love you bunches<3

Music blared from the large speakers in Kris's bedroom. She was sprawled across her bed reading the latest issue of AltPress while I lay on her shag carpet floor, scrolling through Tumblr on my phone. We weren't speaking. We were just sitting in comfortable silence like we normally did when we hung out at her house. I loved that about our friendship, we didn't need to fill the silence to be comfortable with one another.

The song changed to "YDG" by Of Mice & Men, Kris's favorite band of all time. She caught my eye and smirked evilly. Instantly, I knew what she was thinking. I shook my head back and forth.

Kris laughed and jumped off of her queen sized bed to haul me off of the floor. She started to dance around, dragging me into it with her. I laughed softly and reluctantly joined her. After all, there was no fighting with her on this subject. Or any subject for that matter.

We jumped, danced and head banged to the pounding beat. When the song changed to something a bit softer, we settled back into our previous positions, still laughing and catching our breath.

After a short time, Kris spoke up, bringing up a subject she touched on regularly. "I'm telling you, Taylor," she started out the same as always. "You've gotta break out of that shell of yours or you're never going to get a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes, sighing heavily. Kris had been bugging me for as long as I can remember about getting a boyfriend. "I don't want a boyfriend," I told her. "I'm totally fine being single. Besides, it's not like any boy would want to put up with me anyways."

"Taylor, don't think like that. You're a catch. You're beautiful, sweet, funny and smart. Any guy would be lucky to have you." She looked right at me while saying this. Trying to convey how seriously she believed this statement with her deep brown eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders the best I could lay flat on my back. "All I would do is make the poor boy miserable."

Kris groaned loudly, clearing growing agitated with me. "The perfect man for you won't care about where you come from or what you've done. They'll love you for you, scars and all."

She said it so gently, and I wanted to believe her. I really did. I just couldn't see how any decent guy would allow himself to be so miserable just to be with me. That's stupid.

I let the conversation go and Kris and I fell back into our comfortable silence. After scrolling through all of Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter, I picked up last month's issue of Kerrang! Sleeping with Sirens was on the cover. I couldn't help myself from staring at Kellin Quinn. I mean, how could you not stare at that man? He's gorgeous! His long black hair, so perfect. And his eyes that changed from blue to green; don't get me started. But more than his looks, I loved his voice. That voice is the only thing that can make me calm. Make me feel sane. I would never be able to thank any of them enough for what they do for me every day.

My thoughts were swiftly interrupted by Kris's loud, high pitched squeal. I looked towards her in shock, thinking maybe she'd seen a spider. But all I saw was her jumping up and down on the bed, magazine in hand and a wide smile on her face.

"What are you screaming about?" I asked with an amused smile. I finally flipped open the magazine I was holding while awaiting her answer.

Kris had a tendency to get overly excited over minor things so I definitely wasn't expecting her to say, "There's a contest to win a chance to spend the day with Sleeping with Sirens!"

Within two seconds, I was snatching the magazine out of her hand to see the article myself. There was a picture of the band going crazy while Kellin held up a sign that said, "Spend the day with us!"

I skimmed the article and sure enough, it was legit. I fell onto the bed, still holding the magazine to my chest, sighing dreamily. "What I would give to meet them."

Kris plopped on her knees next to me. "Well, now's your chance."

I scoffed at the idea. "Are you kidding me? No way will my parents ever allow me to fly to L.A. to meet a bunch of older guys." I shivered involuntarily at the thought of the monsters I called my parents. "Speaking of them, I should be getting home. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

She waved goodbye as I walked out of her bedroom and showed myself out the front door of the large two story house. I was able to catch the bus just before it left, but I was still going to be late getting home. Kevin and Diane were going to freak, but I'm sure Emily would get a kick out of it. Still, I hurried back to our condo to try and avoid a worse beating I knew I was going to get.

I practically ran through the lobby, passing the elevator in favor of the stairs, and then proceeded to sprint up two flights to the third floor and down the hallway to apartment C36. I took a deep, steadying breath before opening the door and entering.

All was strangely quiet as I passed over the threshold. It was already seven o'clock. Diane was usually making a dinner that I wouldn't eat and Kevin would be in the living room half drunk by now with the TV blaring. Something was wrong.

Slowly, I crept through the apartment. I shifted my bag on my shoulder, my converse stepping as softly as possible on the carpet. Sticking my head in, I saw there was no one in the living room. No one was in the kitchen either. I was just starting to think they'd gone out for dinner or something when the door slammed shut behind me.

My heart jumped in my chest as my blue eyes met Kevin's. He saw me right away and a smirk crossed his lips. "I was starting to wonder when you'd get home."

He didn't seem angry that I was late and that was even scarier than when he was angry. "Where are mom and Emily?"

"They went to the game." He sauntered closer to me. Oh, right, the football game. I'd forgotten today was Friday and Emily was cheering tonight.

I nodded and didn't say anything. Kevin took another step in my direction. He now stood only a few inches from me "You had me worried when you didn't come home, Taylor." His hand reached up to brush against my face.

My breath caught in my throat and I fought to control my heart rate. "I'm sorry," I whispered, looking away from him. "The meeting ran later than expected." I fed him the same story I'd been using since freshman year. I told them that I was in some club at school that had meetings almost every day after school. It bought me some time away from this place so it all worked out.

"It's alright, sweetie. Just call me next time you're late so I don't worry, okay?" He smiled as his hand ran down the length of my arm to hold my wrist lightly.

I nodded. This is how it always started. It's been a few weeks since the last time. I should've known better than to hope that he'd stopped for good. I should've known he'd never be done with me.

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