Chapter Twenty-One

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Here is the long awaited chapter 22. I've been working on this update for the past two nights and I think it's finally where I want it to be. It's in Kellin's POV so there's not a whole lot of detail about his family and stuff, BUT I did get the names of all of his siblings right! :D BTW, I know that Kellin Quinn has a step-dad, but I'm a little too lazy to figure out his name so...yeah, he's not mentioned in this story. Anyways, please enjoy chapter 22 :)

~Kellin’s POV~

Leaving Taylor back in Austin was one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to do. After what happened in the airport, I was even more worried about her than before, which is why I had asked Kris to keep a close eye on her while I wasn’t around and hopefully talk her into seeing a doctor. Even Kris agreed that this was getting out of control.

“She’s been hearing and seeing things ever since she was fifteen, but it’s gotten a lot worse recently. I’m really worried, but I don’t know what I can do to help,” Kris explained to me in the airport.

“I honestly think that she needs to see a doctor. I know that I don’t know everything, but that seems like our best option. I just want her to be okay. Whatever pain she’s going through that’s making her like this, it needs to be eliminated from her life for good. That’s the only thing that’s going to make her better.”

That conversation between Kris and me never left my head throughout the whole flight back home. I was more worried about Taylor than ever and not knowing exactly what was going on her life tore me apart. How was I supposed to help if I didn’t know what the problem was?

But I knew I had to be patient. All I could do was wait for Taylor to tell me everything herself at her own pace. I couldn’t rush her, or else I’d lose her, and that’s the last thing I want to happen. She’d only been my girlfriend for two hours and I was already terrified of losing her.

I couldn’t help it. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. She’s sweet, shy, funny, and the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She had her baggage, but who doesn’t? It didn’t matter what she brought with her, I wanted her and no one else could ever make me feel the way Taylor does.

Her touch felt like fire to my skin; her smile made my stomach flutter; and her kiss made my heart melt in my chest. The way she blushed and looked away from me when I complimented her was adorable. The way she bites her lip when she’s nervous is sexy as hell and I don’t think she even knows she’s doing it. I loved the way she lost herself in music; her eyes closed, her head laying back, and her body swaying to the beat. I could stare at her for hours and always find new things to love and adore about her.

I caught myself smiling out the plane window just at the thought of her, but I couldn’t stop smiling if I tried.

“Ladies and Gentleman, I ask that you buckle your seatbelts as we make our decent,” the hostess announced and a second later, the “Buckle Your Seatbelt” sign lit up. I obeyed instructions and continued to watch out the window as the ground rose up to meet us as we landed on solid ground.

My older sister, Kailey met me at the airport. She squealed when she saw me and ran to meet me, jumping in my arms for a hug. I laughed at her and dropped my bag to wrap them around her waist for support. “Oh my God, I missed you so much!”

I laughed again. “I missed you too, Kailey.” I set her back on the ground and picked up my bag while she led me to her car just outside. “Is everyone else at home?”

“Yeah, and they can’t wait to see you.” We climbed into her Jetta and she started the engine. “What took you so long to get home anyway? I know you had stuff in L.A. last week but you should’ve been home on Friday.”

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