Chapter Thirty-One

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I am soooo sorry I've been really shitty about updating! Especially since I've been on break, but the truth is, I've been stuck in the middle of this chapter for a while, completely unsure of how to continue. I knew what I wanted to do with it, but I couldn't figure out how to get there, you know what I mean? And then today, a miracle happened, Iand  figured it out. So I really hope you enjoy this chapter because it's pretty awesome. I especially love the ending but you'll just have to read and find out ;)

Diane was the first one to break the silence. “How about we all go into the living room to sit down?” She offered with a false smile. Everyone quickly agreed and we follow her lead. Preston sat uncomfortably close to me on the small love seat in the living room. I felt my cheeks heat up as I made a point to avoid his eyes. Preston wasn’t a bad looking guy, but he wasn’t Kellin, and he wasn’t my type.

He had dark brown hair that stood about an inch over his forehead, and he had normal brown eyes, but no distinguishing features that made him gorgeous by my standards. Emily seemed to disagree as she practically sat on his lap on the other side of him.

Perhaps if this had been a few months ago, I’d be flattered that a young man such as Preston Johnston seemed to be so interested in me, but right now I just wish he’d stop staring at me.

“So, Taylor,” Marilyn said in a cheery tone. I snapped my eyes up to her, surprised that she would address me first. “How old are you?”

I glanced around the room to make sure it was alright that I spoke. Any other time we had guests I was always informed to stay quiet. When no one objected or answered for me, I said quietly, “I’m seventeen.”

“Only a year younger,” Preston said to me, smiling.

“You’re still in high school, aren’t you?” Marilyn asks me, still smiling.

“Yes ma’am,” I answered politely.

“Preston is in the midst of his first semester at UT,” Matthew bragged on his son.

Preston chuckled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Dad, you act like its Harvard.” I couldn’t tell if his humbleness was real, or just an act.

“UT is a really nice school,” I find myself saying, looking at him for the first time. “I’d love to go there.”

“You should apply next fall,” Preston said to me. Our parents tuned into their own conversations, then.

I shook my head and played with my fingers. “I don’t even know what I’d go for. I don’t think college is really right for me.”

“Oh, come on. That can’t be true.” He put his hand on my knee casually. My body tensed instinctively, and my eyes shot up to see Kevin talking to Matthew. “There must be something you’re passionate about.”

I only had to think about it for a second. “I love music.” Preston’s eyebrows shot up and he seemed mildly impressed. “Well, I can’t really play anything, and I can’t sing to save my life. I’m more of an appreciator. One of my favorite musicians, Mitch Lucker, always said music will get you through anything. I think that’s true.” I realized I had a huge smile plastered on my face, and Preston’s hand was still on my knee. I cleared my throat and adjusted my position so his hand fell from my leg.

“Well it sounds to me like you have some idea what you’d like to do with your future. There’s a lot that you can do with music. It couldn’t hurt to look into it.” He shrugged his shoulders.

What he didn’t understand, is that I wasn’t the kind of person who planned for the future, because I didn’t see much of a future for me. I woke up every day convinced I would lose myself that day and give in to the temptation. It wasn’t until recently that I started having a little glimmer of hope, and even now I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and for my life to fall back into the same pattern it had been in before.

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