Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Alright, here's the second chapter that I promised. I think it's pretty good. By the way, I don't know Kellin's mom's name so I just called her  Karen cause that's what came to my first so...yeah. I hope you all like it. :)

“Kevin and Diane are forcing me to spend Thanksgiving here,” I’m telling Kris on the phone. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always spent every holiday with Kris and her family. They have a real family meal and no one is yelling at each other or sitting in uncomfortable silence or trying to make forced conversation. It’s always been my safe haven, and this year I’ll be stuck in Hell with no way out.

“They said they wanted to have a “family dinner” for once, like we’re even much of a family!” I’m pacing my room angrily as I rant. “It doesn’t even make sense. Why do they suddenly want to act like a family?”

“I don’t know, Taylor, maybe they had a change of heart?”

I stop dead in my tracks and give Kris a look even though she can’t see me. “You and I both know that’s not true.”

“Yeah, I know,” Kris says sadly.

I groan and plop down on my bed. “I don’t know how I’m going to get through this,” I confess.

“You can do it, babe. Call me if you need anything. I’ll rush over and save you.”

I smile to myself. “Save me now!” I cry out, making her laugh on the other end.

“How are you and Kellin?” Kris asks, changing the subject.

My smile grows wider. Kellin was my favorite subject of discussion and Kris knew it. “We’re good. Really good, actually.”

“Has he said the ‘L’ word yet?”

My smile falters and I sigh loudly. “No, unfortunately not, but I think he’s more likely to say it face-to-face. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would say it over the phone or through video chat.”

“That’s probably very true. Kellin’s a good guy, and he knows the magnitude of that word. He’s not just going to throw it around like it’s nothing like everyone else does.”

I smile again. I had the best boyfriend in the world.

My computer made a dinging noise beside my head. I looked over and saw Kellin’s face on the screen, asking for a video chat. I click the green button and his handsome face fills the screen. “Speaking of the devil,” I say. “We were just talking about you,” I tell him with a sneaky smile.

“Oh really? Good things, I hope?” He smiles. I roll my eyes at him. As if there was anything bad to say, I think to myself.

“Put me on speaker for a sec,” Kris says. I oblige and alert her that she was now on speaker phone and Kellin could hear her. “We were saying nothing but good things. In fact, we were just talking about how you’re one of very few guys in this day and age who don’t just throw around-“

I panic and shout, “Bye, Kris!” and hang up the phone before she could finish her sentence. My cheeks flush red as I look up and see Kellin raising his eyebrow suspiciously. “So, did you make it home?” I ask in hopes of distracting him from what Kris was saying.

“Yeah, I’m just about to go downstairs for dinner, but I wanted to call you first.” I smile widely. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too, Kel.”

“So, my mom may or may not find an excuse to come into my room while I’m talking to you just so she can meet you,” Kellin says suddenly.

My eyes go wide. “What?! I’m going to meet your mom? Do I have time to fix my face?” I ask him, ready to jump off of my bed and run to my small vanity across the room where my make-up sits.

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