Chapter Forty-Three

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First of all I would like to apologize for how long it took me to write this chapter. I've just been so busy with school and everything that  I haven't had the time to do any good writing. Now, I have some bad/good news. The bad news is, this is going to be the last chapter of this book. BUT, there WILL BE a sequel! That's the good news! I just don't want you guys to have to wait around for a new chapter when there's no real guarantee one will be out as soon as you hope. So, what I plan to do, is end the first part of the journey here, and pick it back up as soon as possible. I'm not sure when the sequel will be posted, but I can promise you that when it is posted, it will be the whole book at once. You won't have to wait around for another chapter. This could take some time, but I hope when it's finished you all will want to read it and find out where Taylor and Kellin's journey leads to next. I'm sure it will be very excited (hint, hint; wink, wink) Anyways, here now is the final chapter. It's not very long, but it I believe it is a good enough ending for right now. No cliffhangers, I promise. :)

Kellin was weaving in and out of traffic dangerously as he drove fifteen miles over the speed limit to get to my house. My hand was gripping tightly to anything I could hold on to. Cars were honking at us left and right, but Kellin wouldn't stop or slow down. I think we made it halfway to my street in less than two minutes.

"Kellin," I said, finally finding my voice. "Please slow down. You're driving like a maniac."

I saw him glance over at me, then down to the speedometer before slowing down just a little bit. I relaxed a bit in my seat when he stayed in his lane.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, reaching over to lay his hand over mine that was gripping the center console.

I let out a shaky breath as he turned onto my street and parked in the parking lot. He was quick to jump out of the car like he was on a mission. When he didn't see me follow, he back tracked to open my door for me and urged me out. "Taylor, it's going to be okay. I'm here. Nothing's going to happen to you," he promised sweetly.

I nodded my head, but my feet were still glued to the ground. He placed his hand at my lower back and kind of pushed me along as he led me to the door. I led him up the stairs and to the front door where I stopped. His hand was still resting on my back as he stepped closer to my side.

"The faster we do this, the faster it's over," he whispered, smoothing back my hair.

I took one more deep breath and pushed through the door. I didn't stop until I reached my bedroom door and closed the door behind us. I grabbed my only suitcase from the floor of my closet and tossed it on the bed. I turned to Kellin standing by the door and found him watching me. "Will you grab my clothes and put them in there? I don't care if they're folded. I just want to get out of here." He nodded and started for the closet. "I'm gonna go grab my stuff from the bathroom."

I walk out the door, shutting it softly behind me and go into the bathroom. Quickly, I start pulling out drawers and opening cabinets, throwing everything into my make-up bag. In the rush, I almost miss the shine of silver lying against the very bottom of the drawer, out of sight from anyone who doesn't know it's there. My heart stops as I stare at it.

My fingers reach out and graze against the cool surface. I study the shape of it in the pale light; the hard lines, the sharp edges that cut so easily. It's the only one I have left. The rest have already been rusted and over-used.

For a moment, I contemplate throwing it in the bag with the rest of my things, but hesitate. I don't need these anymore.

I walk over the toilet; throw it into the water and flush. A smile comes across my face as I turn away and leave the bathroom. No longer would a sharp object dictate the way I live my life. I wouldn't be a slave to them anymore. I was going to control my own life, my own destiny; and I would start with this. I was going to recover from my addiction, and I was going to be better than ever before.

Back in my bedroom, Kellin was just zipping the suitcase. He looked up as I entered, saw my smile and returned it with one of his own.

I picked up a backpack from a few years ago and started packing it with personal items I couldn't part with. Mostly photo frames of the few good memories of my life and my laptop.

I was all packed up, but I couldn't help feeling I was forgetting something. I stood in the center of my carpeted floor and twisted in place until I remembered. "Meds," I state out loud, clapping my hands together. I start for my vanity mirror when Kellin stops me.

"Already got them; front pocket of your suitcase," he says. I turn a bright smile on him and walk over to hug him. Standing on my tip toes, I plant a kiss on his lips.

"Then I'm ready to go," I say, grabbing my suitcase and laptop as Kellin throws the backpack on his shoulder.

I follow him back to the front door and out into the hallway. Without a second glance back, I close the door tight and leave behind darkness and follow the light.

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