Chapter Twelve

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God, I am soooo incredibly sorry for the eternal wait for this chapter! I have just been so busy and I know that's no excuse, but I've also had a case of writer's block. But I have finally figured out how to continue! Although this is a major filler chapter, at least it's something, yeah? Anyways, I'm going to hopefully continue writing for the next chapter, unless I grow too tired. :/ (I have to get up early tomorrow so...) Anyways, without further a do, here's a really shitty filler chapter :(

            The guys ended up staying the night in our hotel room so they could be sure to see us off the next morning. Kris and I slept in the beds in the other room while they fought over who got the couch and who slept on the hard floor. I don’t know who won or who lost.

            All I know is that I tossed and turned all night and barely got four solid hours of sleep. So the next morning, Kris took the first shower and let me try to sleep a little bit more. When that didn’t work, I got out of bed and started packing.

            When Kris came out, I went into the bathroom and did all of my business in there before coming out forty-five minutes later to dry and straighten my hair so we could catch our plane.

            By the time that both of us were finished packing and getting ourselves ready, the guys were all awake. Jack, Gabe and Kellin were all complaining about their backs being sore and stiff over a table full of food while Justin sat there smiling so assumed Justin got the couch. Kris and I shared a smirk before joining them at the table.

            “Well I hope you girls slept better than us,” Jack grumbled, taking a monster sized bite of a biscuit dripping with melted butter.

            I giggled at his messiness from across the table and handed him a napkin. He took it with a smile and wiped his face. “I slept like crap actually, so don’t feel too bad.”

            “Those beds are so comfortable. How could you not sleep like a baby?” Kellin asked me with a concerned look in his eyes.

            I gave him a small smile and tapped his foot with mine under the table before shrugging nonchalantly. “I just don’t sleep that well sometimes.”

            No one said anything about sleep after that. Instead, we carried on with normal chit chat like we did the day before. It felt normal that the six of us would be such good friends and I didn’t want it to end.

            But end it did.

            Kris and I’s flight left at two and we slept a little later than we would’ve liked so after we finished our late breakfast, we had to haul our suitcases down to the lobby so we could get to the airport on time. Luckily, the guys wouldn’t allow us to be bummed out for long. When one of us started to look sad, they would make us laugh.

            Kristin and Seth were waiting for us in front of the fountain. Seth smiled. Kristin, however, looked between the two of us and the boys around us and had a disapproving look on her face. I could only imagine what she was thinking seeing the lot of us coming out the elevator together. She probably thought Kris and I were some kind of band sluts who slept with every celebrity we had the liberty of meeting.

            Her cold, hard gaze landed solidly on me for a long second. I stiffened and almost stopped walking if it hadn’t been for Kellin putting his arm around my shoulders to push me forward.

            He seemed to notice Kristin’s gaze then and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “She’s not looking disappointed in you or Kris. She’s looking disappointed about us. She probably thinks we used our numbers to force you girls into something.” He chuckled without humor but squeezed my shoulders reassuringly.

            “That’s the complete opposite of what I was thinking that look meant,” I told him under my breath as we came up to Kristin and Seth.

            He laughed full heartedly then. The sight of his bright smile seemed to lift my heart and I felt like I could fly.

            “Did you boys stay in the girls’ room overnight?” Kristin asked sternly. Seth rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything.

            “The after party ran late so we thought it would be best to just stay with them. Besides, we wanted to see them off.” Kellin answered with a small smile, his arm still around my shoulders.

            Kristin looked down at him skeptically but didn’t say anything more. She just said, “Very well, follow me to the car,” and turned on her stiletto heel and stalked off before we could follow.

            Our group stifled laughter, Seth joining in, and we followed her out the door. After piling into a large SUV, we started the sad short drive to the airport where we’d board a plane and leave this entire experience behind. Kris would go back to her big house and visit with her mom about the day we had while I’d go back to the condo and probably be yelled at for a few hours, maybe knocked around a bit just to be visited by Kevin in the dark.

            I shivered involuntary at the thought.

            Someone nudged me. When I looked up, I was met with a pair of beautiful green orbs filled with concern. “Are you okay?” Kellin asked me in a caring tone.

            I could hear the others around us, laughing and joking happily without a care in the world. I was insanely jealous of their freedom. Why can’t I have that? Why can’t I just have a normal life like everyone else in this car?

            Suddenly, I realized that I hadn’t answered Kellin’s question. Looking back up at him, he looked slightly more frazzled than he had before, so I shot him a well practiced fake smile to reassure him. “I’m fine,” I lied. “Just a little cold.” I shrugged it off like it was no big deal. And he seemed to believe this because he wrapped his arm back around my waist and pulled me closer.

            My heart jumped in my chest at the full on contact of our sides. He smiled sweetly down at me. "Why didn’t you just say so?”

            I managed a small laugh and looked away from him. If there was any chance that a relationship between us would work, I know I’d have to tell him the truth about everything eventually. Though it was more likely not to work the way I would dream about.

The way this would all work out, is Kellin will fly down to Austin next weekend, maybe, and take me on the date he said he would. And it will probably be the best night of my life. But then, he’ll have to go back home and he won’t call, or text, or even e-mail. He’ll forget about the charity case that he spent a day with in the City of Angels and later took on a date she’ll never forget. And he’ll find a beautiful girl who will be worthy of all that he has to give. She’ll make his heart skip and an easy smile break out on his beautiful face just by the sight of her. He’ll marry this girl, who will probably be some kind of model, he’ll have a beautiful family and he’ll live happily ever after, never thinking of me again.

I, on the other hand, will never forget the day we spent together, and the date he flew all the way to Austin to take me on. I’ll be terribly heart broken when he doesn’t call again, but I’ll find a way to get through it. The same way I get through everything. I’ll still live in that condo with my parents and sister. Diane and Emily will remind me every day just how ugly and unworthy I am of love. Kevin will visit my room in the night and do awful things that I’ll try to wash away with my blood. Then, maybe later in life if I have any sense of luck, I will find a man who can love me despite my scars and I’ll have my own happily ever after.

Or I’ll live all alone in an apartment with fifty cats I named after my heroes.

Back in the car, I was thankful that I had looked away from Kellin when I did because when I came back to the present, my cheeks were wet with tears. Quickly and as smoothly as possible, I took the sleeves of my shirt and wiped away the trails the tears had left behind.

No one seemed to notice. Everyone was still chatting like they had been. When I had composed myself, I lifted my head with a bright smile and laughed along with everyone else as if I had heard the joke. I spent the rest of the ride that way. Watching everyone laugh and listen and pretending to do the same. Luckily, no one seemed to notice everything I did was false.

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