Chapter Thirty-Two

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A/N: Woohoo! New chapter! I stayed up all night to write and I think it's pretty good, and nice and long. I'll be explaining some things in the next few chapters so be looking forward to that :) Enjoy this chapter!<3

The bus whizzed by me, so close I could feel the wind on my face. I gasped and opened my eyes, my mind defogging, making me aware of my surroundings.

The night was quiet. There was a cool breeze blowing cold enough to raise goose bumps on my bare arms and legs. Preston was standing behind me. His hands were on my arms still from where he’d grabbed me and yanked me back from the road. He was out of breath and had a frantic look in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

His eyes went wider than I thought possible and he took a step back from me. “Me? You’re asking if I’m okay?” He chuckled without a hint of humor, running his hands through his hair. “Taylor, you almost got hit by a bus!” I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to conserve heat.

Then I remembered and I spun around in search of Kellin. If I left now, maybe I could catch him and explain.

“He’s not here,” Preston said to me. I looked at him in confusion. “Kellin was never here.”

I let out a sigh of relief.

“Taylor,” Preston said hesitantly. I looked up at him to continue. “Have you always seen things that aren’t there?”

I bit my bottom lip and twiddled my fingers as I thought carefully about my answers. I had already trusted him with my relationship; who’s to say I can’t trust him with this too? Even in the short amount of time I’ve known him, I thought of Preston as a friend. So I nodded my head. “Sometimes,” I answered quietly. “It’s not always so real. Sometimes I can tell when it’s not real, no matter how real it feels.”

“Have you told anyone?”

“Kris knows. Kellin, too. He was there once when the voices got really bad.”

“You hear things, too?” I nodded my head. “Taylor, I think you should see someone about this.” I stayed silent and avoided eye contact. After a while, Preston sighed. “Come on,” he said to me. “Let’s get inside before we freeze.” He put his arm around my shoulder and led me back to the building. I couldn’t help but look back one more time, just in case I hadn’t been hallucinating, and Kellin was really there. But when I looked back, all I saw was an empty sidewalk.

When Preston and I returned to the condo, Diane and Kevin were apologizing to the Johnston’s repeatedly for Emily’s outburst and rude behavior. It looked like they were getting ready to leave for the night. I didn’t blame them; I envied them. Preston squeezed my shoulder and left to join his parents at the same time Diane started making her way over to me. To the Johnstons, I’m sure she looked like a concerned parent, the way she placed her hand on my back, but she didn’t ask me if I was okay, all she said was, “Your father needs this promotion. Go over there and put in a good word for him, do you understand?” I nodded my head submissively and walked with her back to the group.

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