Sadly Not an Update

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I'm sorry to do this, but I don't know if anyone reads the updates I put on my profile or anything, and I wanted to explain to everyone why it's taking so long to update. First of all, the semester is coming to an end and I have a lot of things I have to get done. For instance, I have a research paper due in a few days for psychology, and I barely have any sources and I don't know what I'm going to do. And another big reason is I'm kind of stuck. I'm not sure where to start the next chapter, so even though I know exactly where I'm going, I'm not sure how to get there just yet. But hopefully, I should be able to cure this writer's block and get one, maybe two or more chapters updated over Thanksgiving break. All my professors aren't giving us anything over the break so fingers crossed!

Again, I'm really sorry it's been so long, but school kind of comes first, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love writing for you guys, but I won't be making a career out this. Please don't take that the wrong way because I really love you guys more than anything. :)

I've gotta get back to that paper I mentioned now. I just wanted to do something to let everyone know what's been going on. But if anyone has any suggestions that could help with my writer's block, feel free to comment and let me know. Maybe if inspiration strikes I can jot something down and have something out sooner than expected.


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