Chapter Sixteen

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So I'll go ahead and tell you this chapter is really sucky, it's basically a filler chapter but I wanted to get a new chapter out there. Also, I have no idea what those Mexican dishes are, but La Condesa is a real restaurant in Austin, so I just went onto their website and chose random items off their menu. :) ENJOY! :) ily<3

When Kellin finally pulled the car over, it was next to a fancy looking restaurant called La Condesa, which thanks to my required Spanish classes freshman and sophomore year, I knew meant The Countess. The restaurant looked really expensive with its extravagant glass windows and brick walls. Suddenly, I felt extremely underdressed.

“I hope you like Mexican,” Kellin smiled over at me.

I was about to make a comment about how expensive it looked and suggest we go somewhere else when Kris’s voice entered my head, repeating her words from earlier. “He’s probably going to take you somewhere fancy, and I know how you are but don’t you dare say anything about it. And do not under any circumstances, suggest going anywhere else. He’s choosing to take you somewhere special and you should appreciate that and let him take you wherever he wants to take you. Do you understand me?”

I bit my tongue and simply smiled back at the handsome man sitting next to me. “I love Mexican.”

“Good,” he said with a quick nod of his head before opening his door, but he didn’t get out right away. He had one leg out of the car when he turned back to me with a small smirk and said, “Don’t get out yet. I want to open your door for you.”

I was about to protest but I didn’t get the chance before he jumped out and shut his own door. So while he ran around the front of the car, I sat still in my seat with a smile on my face until he opened my door and held out his hand. I gladly took the hand he offered and pulled myself out of the car next to him. “I can open my own door, you know.”

“I know. But I want to make a really good first impression,” he explained.

“Kel, we’ve already met, so it’s not really a first impression.”

He rolled his eyes and started leading me into the restaurant. “Whatever, that’s not the only reason.”

When we reached the doors, he held it open for me to walk in first, so I did. “Then what’s the other reason?”

He didn’t answer my question, but turned to the hostess and said, “Reservation for two under Quinn.”

The hostess, who was a really pretty brunette with dark skin, checked her book of names and smiled at us quickly before leading us to an empty table. Again, Kellin was a complete gentleman and pulled my chair out for me. The hostess told us that our server will be with us shortly, handed each of us menus and left us.

I took this chance to turn to Kellin who sat directly in front of me and asked him, “So, what’s the other reason?”

He leaned towards me slightly and looked me in the eye as he said, “Because you deserve to be treated like a princess, and I know you don’t get that as often as you should.” He reached across the table and took my hand. “Taylor, I want to be your prince.”

My whole body shuddered at the seriousness in his tone. My heart pounded hard against my chest; my face flushed red; my breath caught in my throat, and for a second I thought I might start to cry. To even think for a second that someone could want to be anything like that to someone like me was a dream come true.

In the first few years after I found out what Kevin’s nightly visits really meant, I used to daydream that a handsome prince would come from some far away land and take me away with him. I dreamt that he would take me somewhere that I would never feel any kind of pain again; somewhere that I would be loved; somewhere that I could belong; somewhere better than here.

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